Heyyy guys+sneak peek (another one)

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Hellooooooo everyone.

First off happy pride month (but really every month anyone can really celebrate who they are and who they love like come on be prouuuuud of yourself)

Sorry i haven't updated in, lemme check-

Shoot the 26th of May?? Somebody yell at me to write. Uhhhh

Anywho sorry for the lack of content I've been busy busy busy. Spent like nearly all of week at the gym or driving around (not exactly places I can write fanfics of gay Minecraft men). Then before that the wifi did not work for five whole days after I had just gotten better from some sort of silly sickness.

Despite obstacles, I have been writing a bit here and there. I've resorted to writing in a notebook, then moving it onto a google doc when I get the chance.

I've been writing this vampire oneshot on and off, kind of lost motivation for it for a while but I'm back on it and I've finally reached this point that I've really been looking forward to write (the bit I'm talking about was actually suggested by Countess_Alejandra over on ao3- they have lovely writing and I think you guys should check them out, along with Ranbootslol on ao3 who has been reading it over and giving very helpful grammar suggestions that I never would have catched myself as I normally type when I'm in a rush to someplace or nearly asleep)

Currently, the document says I have like 5,600 words or something other so I'm really proud (lowkey) for pulling myself together and grabbing a bit of motivation from the dusty old shelf and writing some stuff down

Without spoilers, I have like three (four max) main points to get done and write on this oneshot and then BOOM it's done. Annnnd, I've written a good (but smallish) portion for the 4th "Ideally, I'd Be With You" short story that's currently in progress.

Just felt like you guys deserved an update of sorts, my apologies for the ongoing drought of content. As always I appreciate all of your comments and votes, and I do read eachhh and every comment and you guys are truly inspiring. So I really only want to give you guys the best content I think I can manage, even sometimes I'm not super totally proud of it like some other fics, but I typically have standards for myself and what I post and sometimes it takes a couple rewrites in order for me to meet those standards so that is also a reason for why updates may take a while.

Well, hope you all are doing great this week, and I look forward to writing more if things finally start swinging my way >:)

Idk about you guys but sometimes I feel l like I need to interact with you guys more, like you guys are these lovely readers and I literally make this for you guys to enjoy (and yeah, for myself too but anywho). So feel free to comment anything here really. You guys are entertaining (respectfully, as your comments are motivating even if some are questionable). Any suggestions, any ideas, anything, really.

I mean I've had discord for a while, if anyone wants to chat, do anything (I used to have this friend- we met over the whole 'don't know how to feel' fanfic- and she would always joke about a discord server but I'm not too sure if anyone would really join and what that would look like)

(I know I post at random times but shhh Lose Yourself by Eminem started playing and I got really motivated to write a bit which made me realize I haven't updated in so long which made me feel like you guys should get an informal update of sorts)

NOOOW here is the last sneak peek of the vampire oneshot you guys will get before I post it in it's full length.

So the least he can do in this situation is to smile politely, shaking his hand, Wilbur's skin being rather cold, and he nods. "I'm Quackity."

The man- Wilbur hesitates for a small moment, then his lips curl up. "How unique."

Quackity nearly ducks away, like he's shy. But he isn't. Well- no yes, shy wouldn't be the right word. He just feels like he needs to quickly dismiss Wilbur's smile from his memory the moment he remembers something about thinking his neighbor is pretty.

He may or may not have convinced himself if he thinks of Wilbur too much, the man will suddenly know everything he's ever thought about him. Which Quackity doesn't want. Not to be mean or too blunt, but he doesn't actually know Wilbur, so he'd rather keep his neighbor in the dark about what he thinks. Whether it be the thought that he's a little odd walking around at night, or he's a little bit beautiful looming around when the sun's gone.

Most of the time the thoughts are joined by the other.

So yes, Quackity thinks Wilbur is weird and pretty.

But it's not a statement he'll think about too often, indulging in his curiosity and wondering what his neighbor might be up to, or how the curls of his hair fall over his forehead in a way that's near perfect.

Okay, that might be too much right now.

Quackity refrains from continuing to explore that path and nods, remembering Wilbur's comment. Then, pausing for a quick moment to calculate a way to say it without being awkward, Quackity fails and awkwardly points to his car and says, "Well, I've got groceries... should probably go unload them."

Quackity restrains from verbally scolding himself because that would be even more awkward. At least, he thinks so.

Luckily he does not have to live through any of it for long as Wilbur blinks, then laughs. "Oh! Oh yeah, don't let me keep you waiting. Have a good evening, Quackity." He waves, stepping to the right, onwards to his own house while Quackity waves back, the smallest smile on his face in an attempt to match him.

"You too."

Okay, that happened.

hopefully you liked it :) appreciate you guys

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