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Been a minute but here's a drabble (might turn it into a proper oneshot in the future)

Quackity and his feelings towards his roommate, Wilbur Soot

Will is making dinner, what a gentleman

Quackity finishes up drying his hands, the hand towel falling back to it's original place as he flips off the bathroom light and shuffles into the warmly yet dimly lit kitchen where he can hear Wilbur setting out plates and silverware on the counter.

"Smells good," Quackity says, walking over to Wilbur, the tall man positioned in front of the pan of freshly made fries he just recently placed on the currently unused stove, hands busy mixing up a salad. Quackity glances up, blinking at the man at his left who hums appreciatively.

"I'm almost done, Q." Wilbur informs him, sparing a moment to look over at him, the image burying itself in Quackity's mind like a seed in soil, sure to grow at some point, making him once again remember.

But it's over far too shortly, Wilbur's eyes dropping back down to the bowl of greens. "Cheeseburgers with fries and salad, just as you requested," He tells him, a smile pulling at his lips that Quackity catches.

"I didn't request anything." Quackity disagrees, only to hear Wilbur huff out of amusement.

Then he makes his voice high pitched, like teasingly so, as he pouts. "Oh, I really want a good cheeseburger right now. Wilbur I am craving a cheeseburger- do you want cheeseburgers? I do, I've wanted some for a week but I haven't eaten any yet. Oh what do I do. I'm so hungry for-"

Quackity scoffs, elbowing Wilbur for good measure. "I get it. You made some because I said I wanted some, therefore a request."

"Ay, there it is." Wilbur grins, voice nearly scratching at the edges in a way Quackity knows far too well. Same goes for the way a couple of brown and white curls fall over his forehead, barely covering his left eyebrow.

But maybe this is an example that too much of anything can be bad isn't exactly true. Because he knows so, so much about Wilbur. Yet he still wants to know more. Both of which haven't caused any problems or something even relatively negative.

It only leaves a warmth blooming in his chest, desire blossoming deep within as he smiles, then sighs. "Well I'm gonna take a seat."

Wilbur turns to look at him, just gazes at him for a beat or two, until a giddy chuckle from his throat passes through, his teeth peaking out from the start of a smile. "Okay, you go do that."

Quackity nearly bites his lip, maybe even his tongue, as he feels his cheeks heat up, waving away at Wilbur as he takes three steps towards the table before sharply stopping and looking back. "Oh yeah, I also don't want any-"

"Mustard?" Wilbur finishes for him, a slightly smug expression washing over his face as he glances over his shoulder, then shrugs, returning his focus back to preparing their dinner. "Got it."

Quackity can't help but giggle to himself as he makes it to his seat, most likely blushing. Each time it happens he gets more thankful for the days they each spend making dinner for each other, it feels so calming, honestly. Just the two of them, finally arriving in their apartment after each had their own busy day, coming together and having a great time. Plus the food, of course.

Quackity really likes it.

And surprise, he likes Wilbur too. After spending the whole summer with the guy, there's not much room for debate on whether Quackity's positive of his feelings or not. Recently they've both been pretty occupied nowadays, but his feelings towards Wilbur haven't faded at all.

So, yes, it's the truth. Quackity has a crush on his roommate.

And a part of him can't help but believe Wilbur just might like him back.

Who knows.

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now