Tntduo Short Drabble

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Simple here :D

Take this short little unfinished suddenly cut off tntduo content while I finish up the one shot request from Breadsticksyum (the request from something_11_ is next after that) but yeah, in the mean time take this.

But also take my cquackbur zombie au "For Our Own Sake" (it does have violence in it though just fyi in case fighting off zombies isn't your thing) that could be something. Anyway here's this random thing because I wanna post

(I wrote this like back in June ✌💀)

He shouldn't be here, he knows it. He knows when he's unwelcomed, crossing territory he's been told not to, he's done it before though. Only making him shrug off the fact that he is stepping over a line he was told not to cross.

It's a physical line, where sand meets dirt. Separating his land from Las Nevadas. But constantly Wilbur is drawn to the other side of the line, walking around the country he's banned from (well, he was never even in the country to begin with), with no specific intention.

After all that wandering around the city full of tall, sparkling buildings and rich clean sand, he finds himself resting against a concrete wall. But of course, this wall doesn't fail to keep Las Nevadas' new and fresh feel, as the concrete is so smooth that Wilbur almost finds it difficult to lean against the wall without sliding down.

He hates it personally, some things in this country are way overdone. Most of the time he can admire the place, but then he's reminded of just how 'get up and new' this place feels, it's practically shouting in the visitor's face at how expensive everything is- and of course, he's then reminded of the owner of this country.

Wilbur lets out a disapproving sigh, hating how fake this country could feel sometimes. But he catches movement towards his left, making him pull himself out of his thoughts and once again remember that Quackity wasn't the only one keeping an eye out for Wilbur- then to go and throw him out of the country, the only reason they did so.

"Hey Sam." Wilbur's voice is practiced like this was something he had rehearsed a million times before. Which was not exactly the number, but Sam has found him 'lurking' around Las Nevadas quite a lot- so he's definitely had the same talk more than what keeps it entertaining. "Here to shove me out of Big Q's big and glorious country? So glorious that he can't seem to show himself around?"

Sam's response is patient and tired, finding their repeating interactions just as unassuming as Wilbur does. "We're all busy with things. Bet you have things to be doing too, so you should go."

"About that," Wilbur doesn't know what he's saying before the words slip through his mouth. "I need to speak with Quackity."

"I don't think he'd be in favor of that."

"Well, why don't you let him make that choice himself?" Wilbur pushes off the wall, walking past Sam and waiting for the other to turn around. As expected, he does, making Wilbur grin. "Lead the way, Sam."

"Well, just remember I told you so when Quackity starts telling you to leave," Sam says, shaking his head before letting Wilbur trail behind him as they walked to the grand, sparkling casino that Wilbur despises.

Then he's taken up a fancy, bright elevator that's decorated with dark blue and gold and Wilbur thinks this is the only thing he can appreciate in this loud, flashy building. There's a soft ping as the doors open, revealing a tight and almost bare hallway with a singular door on each side, nothing more.

"It's the door on the right, shouldn't be too hard to find."

"Yea because there's only two." Wilbur groans, stepping out of the elevator and watching it close, turning around when Sam is no longer present. Wilbur doesn't even know why he asked to see Quackity, but he's too far in now to turn back. So he slowly makes his way down the hallway, stalling on each framed item he came across. But the hallway had very limited decoration, only allowing him to stop twice and pointlessly glance around.

He reaches a hand out to the dark oak door, hovering over the handle with hesitation. But he swings the door open, now was not a time to be hesitant.

Quackity's sitting on the edge of his desk, leaning on his hands with an ignored pile of papers behind him. His gaze immediately switches over to the door when he hears it open, frowning when he sees Wilbur.

"What are you doing here?" the question's short, not dropping that same annoyed tone Wilbur's gotten used to. The same tone of voice he would use whenever he thought Wilbur was being a bother- so basically a whole lot.

"You should be happy now that I'm here," Wilbur says, stepping forward into the room and closing the door behind him. "Being in an office by yourself all day doesn't sound too fun."

Quackity shrugs it off. "Well I'm a busy man." and Wilbur nods.

"You've told me, Sam's told me. I've gotten it down now."

"Then you should know not to bother me and to stick to your own business."

"Oh, but we both need to take a break every now and then. It's not good to overwork yourself." Wilbur tilts his head to the side, giving the smallest grin as Quackity crosses his arms as he secretly prides himself from improve skills.

Quackity shakes his head, sighing as his posture becomes slightly more slouched. "I was on break."

"Yea." Wilbur scoffs. "Hardly. You're still stuck at your desk, alone."

"What do you want?"

"Nothing in particular."

A//n: that's literally all it is. You can guess what he wanted if you so please to.

If you liked it, good for you I might add to that sometime in the future. But in the meantime, please read my zombie au and while I write requests looool

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