He Couldn't Even Imagine

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quackbur prom au requested by the one, the only, anna_is_a_bee

Enjoy the large amounts of just silent and awkward tension :D

Wilbur Soot leisurely swayed to the annoying pop music playing, pretending like he was enjoying himself as he barely held onto the red solo cup in his hands.

People danced and talked all around him, a group of girls laughing to his right and two couples making out in the corner to his left, hidden from teachers by all the decorations and stacked up chairs.

He sighed as lights traveled across the room, pink, purple and blue shading every inch of the school gym. He didn't know why he was even here, he clearly wasn't enjoying prom night.

Wilbur already had a not-so-great day when his alarm decided to randomly switch time zones and wake him up too late, making him skip breakfast in order to drive to school on time. But of course, some guy in a pickup truck thought he'd break-check Wilbur when he was simply trying to get to class. Upon finally making it, he remembered he had to take a "surprise" quiz in his first-period class (it wasn't really a surprise because the teacher told the students they'd be having a surprise quiz today, still it was a pain). Tired and hungry, Wilbur was more than relieved when lunch came around, leaving the school campus to get himself something good to eat. Unfortunately, lunch was the only good bit because the rest of the day the whole school couldn't shut up about prom so it was a bit difficult to actually pay attention.

And now prom was here and so was Wilbur, alone despite having three people try and ask him if he wanted to go with them. Listen, it wasn't that he hated them, he just didn't exactly know them. Wilbur always thought it was weird how even though he thought of himself as a strange nerd that was definitely socially awkward, a good handful of students found him... hot, maybe even pretty, definitely attractive.

Yup, strange and odd and weird but it didn't matter anyway because Wilbur still didn't want to be here, watching everyone party with a dislike for the place wasn't the best experience.

Wilbur gave up on poorly dancing to the music, finding himself a spot against the wall far enough from the tables full of snacks and drinks so many people wouldn't bother him. One person had beforehand and he had to politely find a way to get rid of them. He managed and now he was resting against a wall, pulling his phone out and blocking out the party in front of him.

It was going well- the not being a part of prom and distancing himself part that is.

Well, until Wilbur's lonely peace was disrupted by a couple of shuffling feet, making him look up and see a whole group of four other seniors make their way over. He braced himself, wondering if they were heading towards him or just somewhere- or someone- else. He doubted they'd be walking over here for him until he made eye contact with one and they just got closer and closer.

So unfortunately, these seniors did want something with him. But Wilbur was a senior himself, he could more than handle it. So he pocketed his phone and straightened his posture as they stepped up to him.

"Do you need something?" He asked, he thought he recognized literally only one of them.

"You're Wilbur Soot, right?" One of them asked and apparently they all recognized him.

He shifted, eyeing past them as if it'd help before looking down at the person questioning him. "Yeah, yeah I am. Why?"

The boy who had asked him smiled, nodding his head to the girl next to him and Wilbur tried to hide the way his face dropped with disinterest. "She was too shy, but, maybe you could dance with her for a bit?"

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now