Vampire Guys

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A//N: Tnt duo but they're vampires??

I just have this story idea and it's giving me brain rot so I just had to write down some scenes I'll use if I ever write it

aggh lowkey i love this idea and wanna talk about it sm but it's not even close to being completely thought out, it's just a vibe really with somewhat complex characters

anyway, two requested oneshots coming sometime, one is sad and... just sad, and he other lowkey is slowly delving into a crack fic

The tent, thankfully, isn't thin enough to let in the night chilly winds so easily. Sure, as a vampire temperature soon grows to not be as much of a bother for humans, but the sensation of wind is still uncomfortable regardless of the cold, plus Quackity wouldn't say he's that old of a vampire, he can still be slightly cold or too hot.

Their chunky lantern flickers, bringing Quackity out of his thoughts as he finally takes a seat in the tent, blinking up at Wilbur who is currently busying his hands by checking the stability of one of the wooden stakes in the ground, ropes and more wood holding together.

Quackity eyes the other, cleaning his throat and crossing his legs. "So," He starts off, nodding his head up when Wilbur looks up at him. "How big is this village? Is it a small one?"

"Depends," Wilbur answers shortly, twisting around to grab a leather sack behind him, momentarily glancing up at the other vampire. "What's your definition of small in this context?"

Quackity sighs, messing with a loose string in the seams of his boot. "Ah, well, not many people I guess, nothing over, like, forty- around forty. That's small."

Wilbur's eyes glisten for a second, making Quackity shift under his gaze while impressively keeping eye contact. Then, Wilbur nods as he turns away, his lips curling upwards into a smile. "Generous, aren't we?" He teases, Quackity simply huffs as he shrugs.

"I don't know," He says, a playful tone in his voice as he skips over thinking about it and lays down on his back, holding up a hand and gesturing for Wilbur to give him something. "Blanket."

He hears Wilbur mutter something in resentment, but then there's a cozy sheet of cotton blocking everything from Quackity's sight as Wilbur had perfectly thrown it at his face. Quackity grumbles, ungrateful, but he still fixes himself up in the blanket, peeking over at Wilbur.

"Goodnight, Wilbur," He says, tiredness seeping into his voice as he watches Wilbur hum with a nod, seated across the tent.

"Night to you too, Quackity," He says firmly, quietly too and Quackity doesn't care enough to tell him he forget to say 'goodnight' this time.

Quackity follows after Wilbur, the gravel pathway crunching under his boots as he takes a big bite into the apple he just grabbed, not taking a second to think before claiming it as his own from where it previously was on a fence post. He wipes his mouth with his sleeve afterward, and indeed it's a damn good apple.

He creeps up closer, right behind Wilbur as he looks all around the wooden and stone buildings that surround them, random villagers bustling about as the sun beats down, making Quackity appreciative that he's no longer a new and weaker vampire, otherwise this light would have his skin stinging right now.

"How cool are these people when it comes to..." Quackity carefully eyes anybody near and lowers his voice, just in case. "You know, us."

"Oh don't worry, for some odd reason they find you gifted with humor, plus some say your personality is charming," Wilbur says all matter-of-factly, nonchalant as he continues on his beelined advance towards wherever they're going. "I don't really now why, but they do. As for me, I'm basically their only visitor so they actually love it when I'm here," He states, his ego slipping off his tongue once again as Quackity rolls his eyes. "Obviously."

"That's not what I meant," Quackity says, growing only mildly annoyed, accidentally bumping into Wilbur who slows to a stop at the crow perching peacefully on the edge of a well a couple feet away. Quackity ignores the way Wilbur glances at him past his shoulder, taking the opportunity as a chance to get Wilbur to be serious rather than to acknowledge the light glare. "I meant vampires, shithead."

Wilbur clicks his tongue and straightens his posture, stepping over to the bird, now creating some distance as Quackity shakes his head. "Oh that," He starts up, turning his attention to the black bird as he cocks his head. "Well it's not like there's many self-incriminating ways we could reveal ourselves with. So don't don't stress about your reflection or anything," He adds calmly, catching the second of confusion on the other's face and pressing his lips into a thin line like he can't decide whether to be amused or disappointed that Quackity doesn't know.

Quackity joins Wilbur at his side with a tilt of his head and a bite of his apple, eyeing the bird as Wilbur fishes out a literal dead insect from his small bag, making Quackity scrunch of his nose a little bit. Wilbur, however, pays no mind as the crow takes it.

"It's a common misconception that you can't see a vampire's reflection," Wilbur then explains, standing up straight and facing Quackity, looking past his head and back down at him. "Like mirrors, water, even glass." Quackity hums with a nod, stepping to the side as Wilbur walks past him, both leaving the bird behind as Wilbur shrugs. "Not sure why though."

Quackity chuckles, joining Wilbur at his side as a little kid randomly crosses their path, so energetic they probably didn't even see Wilbur nor Quackity.

"Maybe some angsty and poetic guy- like you- hated being a vampire so much he wrote something about never being able to see himself whenever he looked in the mirror and the interpretation was a little funky," Quackity says with a grin, glancing up at Wilbur to see him shake his head and look away with a scoff. However, Quackity catches the traces of a smile he's trying to hide, making Quackity grin to himself as he follows Wilbur.

He'll just say he wins this one, because Wilbur totally is smiling right now.

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now