Relaxing on the roof

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A//N: yooo guess who is making tons of progress on a certain zombie au

The slight breeze was soundless, silently flowing through Wilbur's hair as he glanced outward towards the sky.

The sun was dim, sparing the evening from hot and bright weather conditions. Instead, the colors in the sky were dulled and distant, a dark grey assortment of clouds stretching across, even daringly covering a bit of the sun, and bits of lonely blue peeking from behind the clouds.

The sight made the air seem even dryer, somehow, and Wilbur remembered that with each breath he took, momentarily glancing to the side wordlessly to see Quackity, the man staring ahead from where the two of them sat- because for some reason, the two ended up peacefully coexisting on the roof of Quackity's unopened grand casino.

Quackity didn't shift once, eyes trained somewhere in the distance. He was looking at the sky. The sun wasn't that bright, not as bright as it was yesterday, and everything else looked like a lake with dirty water. He grimaced, turning his head towards Wilbur who quickly directed his gaze elsewhere. Then, after one second of silence, he sighed. "This view is shit, Wilbur."

Wilbur only hummed, leaning back on his arms. "That, Quackity, is your opinion."

Quackity paused, scoffing afterwards and splaying out across a certain trench coat- yes it was Wilbur's- and frowning. "Well when you said you wanted to show me something nice I thought you meant it would be, well, nice."

Oh yeah, that was how they ended up here. One day when Wilbur was planning to visit Quackity's office he got distracted, drawn in by a different hallway that eventually lead to the staircase they both went up to get here. When he walked out, seeing all of Las Nevadas laid out before him and his own little house settled somewhere between oak trees, well, he liked it. So Wilbur offered to show it to Quackity.

The point wasn't really about how the sky looked, but rather how it felt to be up here and Las Nevadas down there. Which yes, when they first made it up here Quackity did appreciate it all, he understood it, probably enjoyed it more than Wilbur seeing as the country was his creation.

Then they just ended up staying here, Quackity saying something about how the ground was getting uncomfortable to sit on, so Wilbur, without thinking, gave him his thick trench coat, the one he almost always wore.

But now, Quackity was laying on it, on his stomach with his head in one of his hands, his other arm hiding in the sleeve just because he could.

So of course, Wilbur didn't think about it at all and shook his head. "It was nice earlier, but you took too long to get out of your chair."

"Hey, I'm a busy man," Quackity argued lightly, Wilbur finally facing him to see his smile. "Sorry for having a job. Like, what do you even do Wilbur?"

Wilbur shifted, uncrossing his legs and sitting up straight. "That's for me to know."

Quackity chuckled at his response, smiling wider than before in a way it nearly beamed. No, actually, it was beaming and Wilbur decided that this weather was so shit because Quackity had taken all the light. It was just so obvious when Wilbur looked into his eyes.

"You know," Wilbur started slowly, ignoring the warmth Quackity brought. "If you don't like the way everything looks today, we could try again on a different day."

Quackity glanced around and he nodded. "Yeah, we could do that." Then, he shrugged to his best ability when on the ground. "And also, I didn't say everything looked like shit."

Wilbur paused, eyeing Quackity curiously and then the buildings down below. "Oh really, what's that?"

Wilbur waited, faintly hearing the wind and thinking about the possibility of rain.

Quackity huffed, bowing his head so his forehead rested against his arm with a hum representing an "I don't know" and adjusting his beanie. "Not important."

Wilbur laughed lightly at Quackity's mumbling and reluctance and nodded anyway. "Okay Quackity," He said with a teasing tone, rejecting the way something in his chest started simmering.

"Shut up."

"If you say so," Wilbur said, grinning as he turned towards the sky and maybe, perhaps, he did think about Quackity wearing his clothes once or twice.

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