Ideally, I'd Be With You: Part Two

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Yo it's the second chapter

I'm making some pretty good progress on the 11th chapter of my zombie au- and I may or may not have a vampire au oneshot in the works

Hope you enjoy :D 

Quackity grimaces at himself when he looks in the mirror this morning.

Not because he looks bad or anything, of course not. But because his brain is being utterly and ridiculously stupid.

To put it shortly, even the time of night isn't safe from his unwanted thoughts about a certain person he just met.

That's right. If Quackity wasn't thinking about some dumb coffee guy last night, then he somehow snuck into his dreams, absolutely abolishing the scene, script, and mood.

Quackity's having a weird dream about attending a random person's wedding? Wilbur's somewhere in the background with a slice of cake and a small glass of champagne, mostly only catching Quackity's attention after he's awake.

Hey now, not too much complaining from Quackity. He saw that guy in a vest suit after all, one that perfectly hugged him and his buttoned-up long sleeved shirt. A total upgrade from that yellow sweater from yesterday.

Still, however, Quackity would really appreciate it if his mind took a damn break. He doesn't need to have some tall, mysterious new guy interrupting his train of thoughts.

But it seems the world thinks otherwise, leaving Quackity muttering under his breath as he finally manages to get himself ready and out the door without sinking too deep into the distractions of his imaginative mind.

First, though, Quackity stops at a local diner that thankfully serves breakfast all hours of the day. It has been a while since he's treated himself to going out, even if it's a small place like this, and his shift doesn't start for another two hours. Each of which he planned on running a bit of errands during.

Quackity huffs as he pulls into the tight parking lot, the odd orange-ish bricks bordered with white thick pillars of the building will never be a visual choice that Quackity understands.

No matter the look of it, as long as it's not on fire or inhabitable, Quackity just wants good food, give himself some energy before hustling around town to get stuff done.

If Karl were here, Quackity would make a remark on how he's single by choice. As he likes to call it, "Productive, not incapable of dating". Not that Karl would listen too much.

Quackity pushes through the clear door, immediately greeted with the smell of a mix of buttery, syrupy, and salty dishes along with some meat being cooked.

The obnoxious blue carpet in the small waiting lobby ruffles under his foot as he drags it across the floor, sighing as he glances at the two parallel benches meant to be occupied while you sit patiently for a seat.

But there's not too many people during this hour of the morning, so Quackity asks for a seat just for one and he's politely shown a spot in the far left corner, usefully right next to the bathrooms and the kitchen.

His seat is situated at a long table pressed against the wall, panelled windows lighting up the place as he gazes down the row of empty seats.

Behind him there are some decently filled tables, ranging from grandparents with their three grandkids in a nice booth to two dudes with beards discussing something over bacon and milk.

Quackity barely registers the radio playing in the background before a waitress pops up behind his shoulder, very cheery despite his somewhat lingering tiredness as she takes his order and tells him about a new menu item he declines.

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