For now: part one

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A//N: yoo I'm working on some new stories since I just finished the "Don't know how to feel" one but I feel bad for not uploading (I'm busy working on the chapters for my newest story- a tntduo zombie apocalypse au called "For Our Own Sake") at times soo just take something I wrote a while ago :)

Part one:

Tension rises in your local casino

Quackity's glare was sharp, harsh, nothing short of hate-filled. But Wilbur couldn't help the flush of his skin starting at the base of his neck.

This was not supposed to be happening. He wasn't supposed to be getting hot over Quackity's glare and clenched jaw. Or his fists pulling at his shirt as he yells at Wilbur for pissing him off again. But, here he is.

Here he is, leaning against a counter in the casino while Quackity presses into his space. It reminds him of when he had Quackity pinned against a wall at Tubburger once, the angry expressions and lack of distance. It feels similar.

Quackity's voice brings him back as the shorter man says his name, making him blink.

"I'll be honest with you." Wilbur has a shit-eating grin on his face. "I have no clue what you said just then. All I heard was my name."

And so Quackity huffs at the revived man. Rolling his eyes with a slight shake of his head. But Quackity shouldn't have. He should know that every time he rolls his eyes, (which was a fucking lot), Wilbur gets even redder and his mind pauses for a second.

"It's nothing you don't already know," Quackity says, grip loosening and backing up a bit. Which Wilbur doesn't like. Something about Quackity makes Wilbur's chest burn with something new. Something Wilbur's curious about enough to want to figure it out.

So when Quackity's farther from him, even if only the slightest, he misses that burn. So he frowns when Quackity's back is now facing him. Now he has to work to get it to return.

"Tell me," he begins, hoping it's the right way to go. "What do you think I know?"

The response was immediate, "That I fucking hate you."

"Oh." Wilbur wanted a bit more but he has to work with it. "Don't worry Big Q, I hate you too."

Wilbur looks down at the top of Quackity's beanie, waiting for a response. His eyes follow his dark hair that rests right above his shoulders. But then Wilbur starts to wonder what it would feel like to reach out. Place his hands on Quackity's shoulder and slid them down his perfect figure, until Quackity's hands are in his.

But instead, Quackity turns around just to ask- no tell him to leave the casino. But Wilbur very much doesn't want to. He's desperate for something he's not sure of. He's just sure of the fact that Quackity's the only one who can give it to him. He can feel it.

"How about a drink?" Wilbur suggests in an attempt to stay in the other's presence. "Relax a bit, Big Q!"

He's walking behind the counter while Quackity stays put, looking at him with dissatisfaction. But Wilbur doesn't care, he just wants to have Quackity's attention, he just wants to be near him.

So when Quackity sighs, dragging himself over to the bar Wilbur didn't hide the wide grin it gave him.

"You're not getting any alcohol though," Quackity tells him as he joins his side. His hands reach out to a bottle of wine, quickly switching to iced water instead. "Neither of us are. I'm not going to have us under the influence."

"But I wanted to offer you a drink-"

"Yeah, a drink from my bar that's in my casino. You would just be handing me my own shit, Wilbur."

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