The Moon Dips, My Heart Rises Like The Tides: Part One

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PART ONE (out of most likely three) OF MY VAMPIRE AU BABBBY

oh yeah ranbootslol over on ao3 beta read this chapter so GO READ THEIR STUFF AND LEAVE NICE COMMENTS AND KUDOS

Part one: meet the man with a sharp 

It starts out harmless. Curiosity doesn't really settle in at all, just passes once, faintly like a lazy breeze, then leaves.

Quackity hears somebody has moved into the small, nearly matching, stiff house to the right of his.

He isn't exactly one to greet his neighbors, introduce himself, and welcome them with a smile. Not really his thing.

He does, however, catch a glimpse of brown hair bouncing as a tall man slips into the shadow of his front porch, barely made visible by both the moon and the flickering lantern sticking out from the brick wall surrounding his front door.

Quackity doesn't care too much though, not when it's almost pitch black out, coming close to ten pm in the dry, cold night as he opens his car door and slides in to make his way over to the closest gas station for a much needed quick dinner, his fridge and cupboard bare of anything save for almond butter and seasoning- and some hot sauce- but nothing edible by itself and meal worthy.

So that's left there, he is not super interested in this new neighbor of his.

Then, a week passes.

And Quackity's just very observational- if that's the word. He just likes to be aware of what's going on around him.

Only because of this, he realizes his neighbor does not own a single vehicle, nothing even like a bike or scooter.

Which doesn't exactly mean anything, it's just a fact he's noticed.

Another thing that he starts to find out as the seventh day ends is that his neighbor is not a morning person or an evening person, it seems. In fact, the tall man doesn't seem to be big about the day at all.

He just stands outside his house at night sometimes, assumingly lost in thought, until on the fifth night he pulls out a guitar, simply practicing some chords and tuning it under his still flickering lantern, surprisingly still providing light and not yet dead.

Quackity knows this. He leaves his house multiple times a day, slightly dreading when he has to return to the whole job thing, recently losing one because the business apparently had to drop a couple of employees because money was too tight and for some other reasons. They, of course, didn't directly mention how they were letting him go because of his character, as they called it on more than one occasion.

Either way, yes, he is unemployed. But that will change really, really soon.

He is gonna have to get a job, anyway, leeching off his rather sympathetic friends won't do for much longer, especially with the slight guilt he feels when they give him some money for food the next two days.

It's only been a month, he doesn't necessarily even need their help at all.

Even if Quackity has not once looked for a job yet.

That's fine though, about two to three months of unemployment won't look very odd or unusual.

Plus, it has admittedly been a while since Quackity has felt the tension so easily sink from his shoulder into nothingness, hardly a single worry passing his head.

Only a week into what's now been a month, Quackity never realized how much he missed having a stress-free day.

Another reason why he isn't particularly wanting to even care to get to know his neighbor. He's busy enjoying this until it reaches the two-month mark...

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