And You Stayed

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A//N: more quackbur yayyyy, somewhat of a longer drabble but not by much.

They're literally just in love here, just cute and in love

Quackity, previously, had no intentions of being in this position. To be spooned by Wilbur Soot, here laying in his own bed as he slowly wakes up, eyelids heavy.

But because Quackity and Wilbur had somehow ended up in a certain situation last night, both in absolute agreement with the way Wilbur crowded Quackity up on his own bed, leaving kisses all over his skin and their clothes on the floor.

Quackity still isn't exactly sure of how all that happened, why Wilbur was set on staying afterward like it was just the basics that he does so. But he did stay with Quackity, even fixing up a warm bath for him last night, forcing Quackity to hold back tears from conflicting emotions. Yes, until last night he thought aftercare was only something they actually did if they were a couple in some wholesome, loving romance-filled life that belonged in a film or a novel.

But apparently, it should be normal according to Wilbur's soft words and tender actions.

After that, Wilbur still didn't think about leaving, even when Quackity thanked him as a sort of expectant goodbye that hid any of his remorse. Instead, Wilbur held Quackity close under the warmth of a shared blanket, mumbling something Quackity's tired brain couldn't comprehend before he shortly after fell asleep in the taller man's arms.

So now, here Quackity is, steadily awakening as Wilbur remains entranced in sleep, his breath spanning across Quackity's collarbone and the surrounding area due to how Wilbur has his neck over Quackity's shoulder, seemingly getting as close as possible.

Not that he will ever admit it, especially before Wilbur does, but he thinks he likes this. In a way, it feels so natural to be here, with Wilbur, all content and calm as if he belongs in Wilbur's hold just as much as Wilbur belongs in Quackity's. It's incredibly easy for Quackity to sink back into Wilbur's arms, sighing softly and debating whether to try and fall back asleep or not.

His contemplation is cut off short, however, when he hears sheets ruffle up behind him and feels Wilbur shift a little bit, ever so slightly, but enough to make Quackity blink and wish he could see the man's face properly, catch a glimpse of that beautiful and peaceful resting face of his Quackity just knows he has. He can't see it if he's too busy sleeping, so he decides on staying awake and happily listening to Wilbur's breathing.

Soon enough, Wilbur's hand that was once previously loosely placed on Quackity's hip drags up Quackity's side as Wilbur hums in his sleep, most likely just starting to wake up as he straightens his back somewhat. Quackity almost wants to giggle, finding this far too amusing when really, it's just natural stuff. Still, he has a small smile on his face, no one to hide it from as Wilbur moves to make himself more comfortable in his sleep, one leg sliding across Quackity's own, resulting in a huff from Quackity.

Quackity slowly lifts his own arm up, trying not to disturb the other's sleep while wanting to take care of the hair that's fallen onto his face. He manages not to wake Wilbur up, tossing his dark hair to the side so it's no longer bothering his eye.

Just then, though, he hears a low mumble. Quietly, Quackity tilts his head. "Wilbur? You awake now?"

In response he feels Wilbur's eyelashes flutter against his skin as Wilbur squeezes his side, yet another mumble coming from the man. He has no clue what Wilbur said, but he's waking up it seems.

Quackity hums, shutting his eyes peacefully and stretching an arm then placing his hand on Wilbur's back as best as he can, reaching over him slightly. "I have no idea what you're saying, sleepyhead." Quackity holds himself back from wanting to take back the name, mentally cringing at himself for being too typical until he quickly gives it up and focuses back on Wilbur.

Wilbur stills and for a moment Quackity wonders if he's fallen back to sleep just that quickly. But then Wilbur clicks his tongue tiredly, lifting himself up slightly with heavy arms and closed eyes. "It was nothing, don't even worry about it."

"Oh come on, what did you say?" Quackity encourages, sitting up after Wilbur gives him the space to do so. Wilbur yawns, Quackity frowns, glancing at him suspiciously. "So?"

Wilbur blinks a couple of times, freshening up his mind and then he's giving a small little smile that unfairly makes Quackity's heart skip a beat or two. "Big Q, I've just woken up, you know?"

It's also completely unfair how it makes Quackity feel when Wilbur uses that nickname, leaving Quackity to push off the heat wanting to warm up his face as he nods. "Indeed I do. What about it?"

"Oh, real nice of you Quackity," Wilbur says sarcastically, looking around the room with a teasing tone. "Glad you care."

He does, honestly. Prime he cares about Wilbur so much. In fact, he almost slips up and says it, right at that moment. But thankfully, he manages to catch himself and giggles instead. "Okay fine. Take a minute to wake up," He tells him, discarding the blanket off to Wilbur as he slides out of the bed, glancing at him with a grin. "I've got to get dressed now."

Wilbur's head snaps towards Quackity, cogs turning in his brain as he realizes Quackity is wearing pajamas, to which Quackity doesn't see as actual clothes to walk around in. Wilbur honestly thinks Quackity can be well off, though, he might even say he possibly encourages Quackity to walk around in oddly short pajama shorts and his ridiculously loose t-shirt. He doesn't think Quackity will want to though, so he keeps that thought in his head and nods. "Right, you do that then."

So Quackity turns on his heel, heading for the closet as Wilbur looks down to survey his own outfit- which yes, he's wearing some plaid pajama pants without a shirt on- but he doesn't think Quackity likes it much better than what he's wearing himself. In fact, Quackity might dislike it more if Wilbur stays shirtless all day, however much that may contradict some of the things he's told Wilbur, specifically what he said last night.

So with that Wilbur comes to the decision to follow Quackity in suit and throw on some proper clothes as well. Before he does though, he makes sure to walk up to Quackity and hug him from behind, earning a grain in response because Quackity likes to pretend to be annoyed. It's endearing, Wilbur thinks. So of course he smiles into Quackity's neck as he wraps his arms around him, pressing a peppered kiss to his skin. "Hey darling."

Quackity shakes his head, trying to dismiss the blush on his cheeks but it's like holding up a sign and saying the complete opposite of what the sign stands for, it's futile. Still, he tries as he rolls his eyes. "What do you want? I'm busy."

"Oh you're busy?" Wilbur asks, but he doesn't mean it. They both know Quackity likes the way Wilbur holds him close like this, no matter how much Quackity tries to deny anything of it. "That's a shame because I have something I think you should hear."

"Oh really?" Quackity muses, growing slightly amused as Wilbur distracts him from even opening his closet. It's fine though, getting ready can wait. "And what is it?"

Then, Wilbur's turning Quackity around effortlessly, only catching him off guard for a second before Quackity mumbles something about being a tryhard. Still, his heart flutters when Wilbur leans forward, touching their foreheads and it's pretty sweet with the way Wilbur eyes Quackity like he's the only thing in the world.

"I love you, Quackity," Wilbur says, sure of his words and it's genuine, leaving Quackity wordless and breathless.

His face heats up, giving up on holding back as he scrambles for his words. Wilbur loves him, Prime, it's the best news ever.

And just this once, Quackity will admit to his feelings too, meeting Wilbur's eyes as shock wears off and he smiles. "I love you too, Wilbur."

With that they both meet each other in a slow kiss, entirely pure and full of warmth as Quackity cups both sides of Wilbur's face and his heart swells. He faintly compares it to those cheesy scenes in movies where the two love interests finally kiss, and decides this will always be even better because it's him and it's Wilbur, really what more does he have to say?

Now yes, it never was planned to go like this, but Quackity's sure as hell grateful it has.

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