Missing Billboards With Your Name: Part Two

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Turns out Wilbur is capable of giving gifts.

First the plant, which Quackity still thinks about sitting there on his desk. Then, after a car ride that Quackity spent trying not to look at Wilbur (to figure out why he was being weird) and listening to Wilbur randomly pick back up on his rants about 'his car not being the best' and 'we can go anywhere you'd like to eat, you know' that made Wilbur look so out of place because well, Quackity's only ever seen him as this cocky, confident, careless guy, so being something almost similar to nervous? It's a new experience.

But now, he's here, with Quackity who is standing there to his right, watching as he pays for their meal. Quackity does offer to pay for himself but Wilbur turns to him and shakes his head, reaching for his wallet.

"It's alright, I'm the one who wanted to take you somewhere for lunch," Wilbur says and somewhere between the bright and fresh atmosphere of this place that lights up Wilbur's face and the little something in his voice, Quackity is lost without words and can't argue against him and just stares as he pays.

He catches the employee's look, wondering what it means, as she looks at Quackity and back at Wilbur, then smiles at Quackity with a nod. Quackity isn't sure what it's supposed to mean but he nods back anyway and hopes it's the right thing.

Then, Wilbur's back at being a gift-giver, which is still unusual, and turns to Quackity with a smile hidden behind the two bags he's holding up. "Lunch is ready."

Quackity shuffles away with Wilbur, their shoulders bump when they first sit down, and Quackity can't even control his own words as he faces him and blurts, "Thank you."

Wilbur hums, reaching into the bag he's just passed to Quackity. "It's no problem, seriously." Then he grins. "I also got you cookies."

Quackity huffs, looking down to see him pull out two cookies wrapped in a paper bag. "You did."

Wilbur sets them on the table and grabs the receipt, looking it over as he slides Quackity a cup. "This is also yours."

He wordlessly accepts its, leaves for the fountain drink station, and returns again without saying anything. He's still getting used to it. To this. It's so sudden it hits him like whiplash when Wilbur smiles at him when he sits down and it's warm, possibly friendly, and not accompanied by that high-pitched laughter that leaves him breathless after he's just bothered Quackity.

The change is confusing more than anything so maybe he does spend more time thinking than eating, and misses a couple things Wilbur says. So Wilbur repeats his question and Quackity actually makes sure to intently listen this time.

"So, seeing as we don't really know each other outside of work, I was asking you what your hobbies are, Quackity." He states promptly, tilting his own cookie towards him before taking a soft bite, swallowing, and shrugging. "You always seem too quiet."

"Just focused," He supplies. Because it's work. "Don't see much of that from you."

Wilbur blinks, laughs, and doesn't seem to think Quackity at least half meant it. "See you can be funny, Q, like that about you. Even if it's only a little. Which is why I asked you here, want to see more of that."

Quackity raises a brow but Wilbur isn't phased.

"So you think treating me to some Subway will crack me open?" He asks, only a little sarcastic around the edges. That almost makes Wilbur hesitate, but not quite, because he just bounces back with a shake of his head saying no.

"Ah, no, Quackity. I meant spending some time with you," Wilbur says simply, like it really is just that when it's all over, that he will get what he's looking for, and Quackity finds himself having to look away to formulate a response, his face strangely warm.

He finds himself again, whipping back around to Wilbur and leaning his elbows on the table. "And you just decided this today or what? Why so sudden, huh?"

This time, actually, that does make Wilbur hesitate and it's weird to see. It isn't the usual he sees in Wilbur, no, not normally. It's not typically Wilbur opening his mouth only to blink and bite his cheek before he breathes out an airy chuckle.

Fucking hell Quackity's head is spinning because what alternate universe is he in exactly?

"Oh." Is all Wilbur says, then smiles very small at the table with his head down. Then he's coming back, sitting straighter and flicking his straw wrapper. "I mean, why not, Quackity?"

Quackity could answer, but Wilbur must know that and not want to hear it because he quickly cuts him off before a single sound can leave Quackity's mouth and sets a hand on the table. "You're like the only one from work I don't really know. Forgive me."

"For what exactly?"

"Being curious."

Quackity takes a slow slip of his drink, lingering on in his head about how literally yesterday this situation was just on the border of alien, and now, he's in it. But it seems he might as well live it, so he pauses, then blinks up at Wilbur. "You know you're the only one who is."

Wilbur gives him a perplexed look, brows furrowed. "Is what?"

"Curious," Quackity says. "You've been the only one to want to get to know me, I mean."

Wilbur snickers. "Surely not, Q."

"It is only the truth." He nods firmly, then takes a bit of his sub. Wilbur follows, eating a bit of his lunch, then wipes his mouth with a napkin, polite, and the moment Quackity locks eyes with him he almost wonders if Wilbur wanted to see him using manners. It's ridiculous, Quackity's head must be coming up with it.

Wilbur does not allow him much time to ponder over it as he gives him a look, one that's rather incredulous but also not in the mood to protest. "Right then, let me be the first?"

"I don't think I actually get much of a choice when you offer me lunch to get info out of me." Quackity points out and Wilbur gives him a mischievous grin.

"Oh, no, you talk as much or as little as you want, Q," He says confidently, like he knows What can't keep walls up forever in the real world outside of the office, that same expression where he thinks he gets what he wants eventually anyway. "The meal's just a bonus, not a bribe."

Quackity only rolls his eyes and looks away pointedly. Then, he rounds back to Wilbur's question about being first and glances at Wilbur, hoping his face is fairly nonchalant as he hums. "Alright, but no more stupid shit at work."

"Ouch," Wilbur mutters, raising his shoulders too. Then he waves with a nod. "But whatever, sure thing."

Quackity's lips curl up into a smile. "We should really get my car now, Soot."

"Ah the last name again," Wilbur says with a sigh, faking amusement as he crumples up his napkin and sets it on the table. "Be glad I'm not gonna let that stop me."

"More like unfortunate." Quackity mumbles, then pauses because it's so obviously half-hearted and only one lunch spent with this... frickin idiot is messing up with little things. But he thinks it's never something he can't handle, so he agrees to do something like this again two days in the future and they finish up eating and head out for the car shop.

Quackity's far too busy watching Wilbur drive to realize the confusion has worn off, that it's starting to be replaced, he doesn't even catch on until he's given back the keys of his car and a wave of reality washes over him, and he nods at Wilbur to confirm his car is all good and Wilbur can leave.

When they both are back at work, Quackity keeps staring at his plant and wondering why the hell he is. He goes home without the answer, of course

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