For Now: part four

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Part four: Anxious Awkward Smiles

Quackity splays across the cushioned couch in his office, bored with staying locked up in his penthouse just because of some feelings.

So he went to his office and was productive for a little while until it uninterested him too much and now he's here, arms crossed under his head as he aimlessly scans the ceiling.

Now, he wonders if hiding away was such a great idea, let alone a good one. Maybe an okay one.

Or maybe he shouldn't have because now he's wasted away half a week, work for an almost empty country unfinished, and a certain revived man left to wander around.

But Quackity is out of his fancy little penthouse, isn't he?

Perhaps, for now, that is enough for him.

Because despite how much he wants to see Wilbur face to face and not in his mind, he knows he'll be a mess if he does. Even though he wants to be right next to Wilbur he can only predict how embarrassing he'll be for himself. The pink on his face, the very obvious glances, and of course, if he were to trip over any of his words or worse, himself.

Quackity throws an arm over his face just at the mere thought of it, how dumb would that be of him?

Wilbur walking up to him on behalf of his own request to see him just for Quackity to go terribly pink and start stammering words earning a fit of laughter in return. But then, when he goes to possibly leave, he's so embarrassed he doesn't pay attention and trips over his own foot. Oh no, and what if Wilbur mocked him, pretending to fall to the floor all smug as he waves a hand, "Oh, who am I?" 

Okay, okay, maybe Quackity is being a bit dramatic here. But when you have feelings for someone, your mind can't help but come up with the most embarrassing, foolishly dumb scenarios where you end up looking ridiculous.

It's true and it's making Quackity all the more nervous to leave his office now. First his house, now his office. Next thing you know he's gonna stick himself into a supplies closet in the casino when he tries going there.

Unless, of course, that would be too much. But he'll see when he gets there.

With a huff Quackity pushes off of his couch, stretching a bit before he walks over to the door, tapping the handle as he ponders before actually opening it and leaving his office.

So now he's standing here, anxiously leaning on a counter at the bar as he fiddles with a plastic straw. He doesn't even know what he is doing here, but he definitely needed to get out of the office for a bit. So he's thankful for that much as he stands here, alone in a bar without a drink.

His mind drifts back to when he was last here, when he was being kissed into the counter-

Quackity ignores the blush on his face, mind prioritizing the task of remembering how Wilbur smiled when they danced together.

Prime, he has such a pretty and handsome smile. Quackity wonders if Wilbur knows just how naturally attractive he is or not.

He thinks about it deeply, imagining what Wilbur would say if he told him his white streak of hair is actually hot and doesn't make him look like a seventy-year-old. Or maybe something about his hands?

Woah, Quackity slows himself down with that one only for his thoughts to start back up again as holy shit, Wilbur walks in. Quackity sputters around, a million questions running through his mind before he finally manages to say something to the approaching man, "Wilbur?"

Well hell, that's his name alright.

But Wilbur doesn't pay any mind to it so it must be fine as he stops on the other side of the counter, eyes fleeting all across the room before he runs a hand through his hair and blinks back at him. "Quackity- ah, yes. Hello."

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