Ideally, I'd Be With You: Part Five

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Quackity is frowning at his reflection in the mirror, standing alone in the silence of his bathroom when his phone dings from where it sits on the counter.

He's so nervous it's near stupid how it literally feels like a bunch of butterflies start going crazy in his stomach when he sees a message from Wilbur.

Today is their "date-night" as Karl always calls it. But not even since the day Wilbur suggested the idea of going out has Quackity brought up the matter of whether it was a casual friends getting dinner together thing or, well, an actual date between what could be potential future boyfriends?

He hasn't asked, and probably won't unless Wilbur brings it up first. So he sighs, longing deeply planted in the depths of his chest, growing like an uncontrolled weed that tangles his thoughts until they all somehow connect to Wilbur and twist his stomach when he thinks about how he wants the man.

Quackity pulls up the message and Wilbur's simply telling him he's heading out now, where he will pick up Quackity at a small corner store maybe five minutes from where Quackity lives- walking. So he has to walk there and pray Wilbur likes his outfit. Well, first, he hopes Wilbur will think about him and what he wears.

Gods, he has got it bad and he knows it. He knows there's no turning back from the trail of thoughts as he starts wondering if Wilbur thought about Quackity the way he thinks of Wilbur. About his hair, how maybe he'd like to run his fingers through it on a warm day, bathed in gold sunlight, laying peacefully with one another, about his dumb voice and his smile.

There's so much. He can only hope Wilbur thinks about him at least half as much as he does.

He makes sure to tell Karl he's heading out, and also maybe asks for his friend to pray for him like it'll alter the course of history.

Karl just sends a thumbs up followed by a 'have fun' with a stupid smirking cat emoji.

If this is an actual date, it's only the first between Wilbur and Quackity. So it'll end nothing like that. Just awkward goodbyes a little past midnight as he gets out of the car.

He huffs, deciding to bite the bullet as he shuffles around his room, gathering up the mess he made while attempting to find the perfect outfit possible when he was on a call with Karl. Then, he scampers around the kitchen and grabs all that he needs, like keys, a wallet, and the sort before he heads out the door.

It's a little nerve-racking as he walks down the sidewalk, the warmth of the late evening seeping through his sleeves, but it's even more exciting as he ponders about the what-ifs.

Crossing the road he thinks about crossing the space of Wilbur's imaginary living room to the kitchen where music plays and Wilbur sings along. A really good what-if that results from a really good date night.

Soon enough he's smiling like a ridiculously flustered teenager when he sees Wilbur pull up in the small, ten-car parking lot, windows down and face bright.

Quackity pushes off of the brick wall he was leaning on patiently and blushes as he steps over toward the car. "Hey."

"Hey." Wilbur parrots, nearly pausing before he opens his door and-

And Quackity really likes his outfit, and Wilbur's walking right up to him, and Quackity might fall all over again for this man.

"You look nice," Wilbur says casually, but Quackity catches the way Wilbur looks back at him almost sheepishly like he himself can't believe his choice of words as he guides Quackity to the passenger's door. Maybe Quackity's damn near delusional, or maybe there's a fighting chance Wilbur's nervous too. Nervous because he likes Quackity back.

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