Should've Been The First Choice

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Thank you for the request BreadSticksYum

(Also this was based on the animatic up there so check that out)

Quackity furrowed his brows as he focused on his reflection in the mirror, the paneled lights above somehow not helping him see which way he was supposed to tuck in his tie before pulling. Wait, did he pull?

He was struggling here, he couldn't remember how to exactly put on a tie.

Which was odd, he used to be a professional at it, really. Back when he was a vice president under stiff and careless hands. Back when he had to dress up in suits and pretend he wasn't about to snap like a twig.

But then he did snap, in many, many pieces that fell out just like a certain relationship that was more than just political but no more than not good at best. So he left, he took himself and his brokenness into a dark desolate underground room that was dug out.

There, he had found one thing that wasn't completely awful in an old friendship (but during this time it definitely crossed the friend lines). Hidden away in with a shared lighter or a shared shirt and bed sheets, whichever it was for the night. Maybe even both. But he had found a sliver of light in a black pit.

Maybe that's when he stopped wearing ties. No. That was when he stopped wearing ties and suits and instead he wore his navy blue windbreaker or any of his clothes. But also a lot of somebody else's clothes. He also wore a lot of the marks they ended up leaving after spending some time together in their secret shared cave way in the depths of this place.

For that time, it was all he had. That was how Quackity coped.

And then the president and his strong grip had died, terribly tragic– Quackity didn't miss him to put it shortly. But then the person he could cope with, his grounding mechanism had gone too. That half was gone.

So he got two other halves, two polar opposites that somehow loved him. Sugar and spice in the form of two humans that tried to say he fit in the middle. It didn't exactly work out as planned, the three of them drifted apart for a bit but things never ended. They were just busy.

And somewhere between that, a familiar face Quackity thought he'd never see again walked up to his country, this time with a white streak in his hair and a huge patch of random fabric across his yellow sweater right above a very big scar Quackity could picture looked even worse than the one through his eye.

Quackity didn't believe it was real for a good while and was even going to tell him to piss off because of the man's history but he seemed to really have subdued into something Quackity was willing to allow. Since then, Wilbur– yes it was Wilbur Soot– has been nothing but supportive towards Quackity and he wouldn't lie and say he doubted Wilbur on multiple occasions and even considered interrogating him based on how... kind he had been.

So now the man was sitting on Quackity's bed as Quackity himself attempted for the third time to get his tie on because even though it's been a hot minute (or two or three), sugar and spice, well, Karl and Sapnap, wanted to go on a date and rekindle their romantic relationship that has not fully been put out yet.

So he was dressing up for them, of course. He stood in his fancy penthouse in Las Nevadas, the evening sun still managing to spill gentle rays of light through the red curtains of his windows. And Wilbur sat there, on a mess of warm grey sheets and comforters in a position that perfectly aligned with a ray of pure sunshine. His brown hair glinted gold, a white streak seemingly popping out in such a natural way that Quackity could never figure out how it worked. How did something that stuck out look so natural? He didn't know.

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now