Weather Weather

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YOO HELLO okay soo take this while I work hehe. it's OLD writing soooo if this isn't all that good my b

It was cold outside, the snow blanketing everything in sight. It was a horrible mix of weather; snow, heavy rain, and wind.

Quackity didn't know why he was even here, or he told himself that until he believed it.

Still, he knocked on the door, his numb hands reaching out as his knuckles gently hit the wood. He stood there, waiting as his thoughts tried to overtake him.

The sound of the door opening brought Quackity out of his battle with his thoughts and he looked up and gave a small smile.

"Oh, Big Q?"

Quackity only nodded, shrugging at Wilbur who was very confused. The other looked around outside, grimacing at the terrible conditions and then at Quackity and sighed.

"The weather's awful, Q. Come in," he said as if he'd defeated, opening his door completely and stepping to the side. Quackity complied, sighing as he was met with the warmth of Wilbur's living room.

It was dark outside, making it even worse out there. So the yellow warm lights made Quackity feel more relaxed. He watched as Wilbur closed the door behind them, locking it with a satisfied hum.

"It's pretty bad out there." Wilbur turned to face Quackity, his black turtle neck and brown tight trousers going perfectly with the yellow lighting. Quackity blinked before nodding in agreement.

Quackity felt a gentle hand on his shoulder, looking up to meet his eyes with Wilbur's.

"Do you need something to warm you up? Tommy left some things to make hot chocolate, I could get that?"

"That would be nice," Quackity said before taking a seat on Wilbur's small and old couch.  He shifted on the couch, seeing the book placed on the other side. He decided to pick it up, starting where Wilbur had left off.

Shortly after Wilbur walked in, carrying a small mug. He chuckled when he saw the book in Quackity's hands, "Oh- I was actually reading that before you knocked."

Quackity simply flipped to the next page, eyeing Wilbur as he set the mug down on the small coffee table in front of them. Then Wilbur squatted down, reaching out to the book. When his hands grazed over Quackity's, almost holding them, Quackity noticed how Wilbur's movements sped up, quickly grabbing the book almost as If to drive away from the contact.

"Your hot chocolate's right there." Wilbur's voice sounded off as he gestured to the mug. Quackity shrugged it off, adding a quick "thanks" before taking a sip and quickly realizing he should have waited as he winced at the scorching temperature.

Wilbur's eyes danced all around the room, it was a weird sight for Quackity. But finally, the man faced him, eyeing him and up and down.

"You're clothes are drenched, Quackity."

"That they are," the other said with a shrug. Wilbur huffed, pushing to his feet from his previous position in front of Quackity.

"I'm going to grab a change of clothes for you."

Once he came back, handing the clothes to Quackity, he took a seat on the couch. "You can go change in my room- bathroom, or whatever." He added before pulling the book to his chest as if waiting for Quackity to leave.

So Quackity did, holding the clothes gingerly and shuffling over to Wilbur's room. Soon enough, he came walking back in and Wilbur's eyes followed him.

"Thanks, for the hot chocolate and the clothes," Quackity said quietly as he plopped back on the couch, sitting in new and dry clothes. It was a simple baggy blue shirt that Wilbur hardly wore with some black sweatpants. "I honestly think I look pretty good in these, plus they're comfy."

"And they aren't drenched," Wilbur added with a grin. Quackity hummed in agreement before grabbing his mug. Wilbur seems to hesitate about something, biting his tongue. Quackity was about to question it but Wilbur cleared his throat, deciding on whatever it was.

"Quick question but uh, why are you here?" Wilbur asked, eyes focused on Quackity.

Quackity ignores how his body froze up like he was being put on the spot and shrugged, leaning back into the couch. "Just thought I'd visit- I was in the area."

"No shit you were in the area. Las Nevadas is a short walk away." Wilbur responded, waving a hand to the front door. He flipped through the pages of his book, trying to find where he last was.

Quackity shook his head, "Sure sure, but can I not visit you?"

"No, you can," Wilbur said hesitantly, not looking up from the pages. "Just curious as to why you want to. Especially if it means walking through that weather to get here."

"Felt like it." Quackity mumbled, concentrating on the steam floating out of the mug. Willbur hummed, glancing at him suspicionsly.

"Cause you randomley just feel like walking through a snow storm," Wilbur said sarcastically, questioning him with a dramatic  squint of his eyes. Quackity huffed, looking away to hide his slight smile at Wilbur's playfulness.

"Yeah, you know how it is," He muttered.

"Sure do."

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now