The Odd Feels Ordinary

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Ayo this was a requestion from BugInUrBed (my mentions might not be working lol, but this is from BugInUrBed)

Anyway, this is my first time writing anything about wings so here ya go:

Wilbur strolled through Las Nevadas with his head held up high, the evening light casting down on him as he made his way over to the still-glistening water fountain.

There was a nice breeze, it constantly brushed over his cheeks and snipped at his ears which he didn't mind at all.

It only helped remind him just how alive he was.

Same with how the smooth stone bordering the fountain felt under his fingertips, refreshingly cold and splotched with water. Or maybe the way the white sand got under his fingernails and in his boots every time he knelt down and sunk his hands in it- just to feel it.

But what really sealed the confirmation that this man was alive and what really made his heart start beating wasn't as simple.

Maybe that's just because it was a person and people aren't always as simple especially when compared to something like stone and maybe it's because this person was rather complicated and Wilbur still hasn't given up on trying to solve them while also having an odd and restrained connection with them.

Or maybe it was both.

Either way their presence made Wilbur feel alive more than anything else in this man-made desert.

That was why he was here after all, for Quackity.

The one honest confession that Quackity made Wilbur not only feel alive but... well, just feel in general was why he was sauntering up to the big fancy double doors of the grand casino in Las Nevadas.

The black asphalt was sprinkled with sand as he stepped back onto the road.

The sun barely reached him with its warmth, leaving the shadow of the huge building even chillier.

He eyed the red and blue glass windows full of random glass art, honestly, he couldn't tell what it was. Though he could tell the fancy white quartz pillars on the outside of the doors were a nice touch, so was the gold accent this whole casino had.

Not that Quackity cared, but Wilbur thought this place wasn't too bad in terms of looks.

Definitely got somebody's eyes and attention. And that's what a casino's supposed to do, right?

Yes and that was all behind it as Wilbur opened the doors of the building with the hopes that Quackity was in fact here.

Quackity, the person responsible for creating such a place like this as Wilbur walked in, the sound of his boots on tile echoing as the doors closed behind him with an empty small thud.

The main area consisted of space that was meant for lots and lots of tables, where people would soon gamble, drink and eat.

Then off to the right, there was a bar and a couple of ordering stations that had yet to be used. To the left there was a load of slot machines and really any other gambling game you might find in a casino.

Of course, though, because Quackity built this place, there was a small door off to the very far right with the words Employees Only on it. Now, this was like Quackity because of course there was something Quackity had unavailable, some place Wilbur couldn't go even if he made it this far into the country.

But that was just a metaphor, nothing serious because it wasn't literal, of course.

Now getting back to matters, Wilbur walked across the dimly lit room over to the bar, tracing the smooth surface over before he made his way over to the employee's door.

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now