Two Names Written

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So I it's tntober people. October first is "music" so here is my attempt. Just FYI I probably most definitely won't be able to do one for each day of October I'm very busy, for example the 25th will be my birthday so... Yeah.  Busy. So you might only get two prompts out of me or maybe four if you're lucky.

Quackity shifted and sneaked between the crowd, careful not to trip over anyone or even himself as the sound of many, many shoes hit the concrete while still keeping a decent pace that meant he could get to where he needed to go quickly.

He most certainly could not be late.

That would be embarrassing.

So he picked up the pace a bit.

The evening air was thin and cold, making Quackity adjust his hoodie only for a chill wind to creep up his spine. So he decided to pay the weather no mind and simply make his way down sidewalk after sidewalk.

Soon enough, Quackity could see a familiar old brick building just ahead of him. Finally.

The building itself was old, yes, and made out of brick, but some bits went under some changes to look a bit less like it was falling apart- as in the shiny dark oak wood that bordered the place or the thick dark red curtains on each window.

Quackity couldn't help but smile upon arrival, adjusting the hold he had on his old acoustic guitar.

Plus, today was his day.

He walked up the small set of stairs to push through the double doors awaiting him, inside a gush of warm air hit his cheeks as he sauntered across the room full of tables, some full, some not.

The room was lit nicely, candles hanging in pretty assortments from the ceiling, and low chatter filled any silence along with the sound of silverware and glass cups.

Quackity stepped up to a door in the back corner, passing through with a deep breath. A counter to the right and shelves to the left. Quackity was about to walk over to the counter before his eyes lit up at seeing a similar man shuffling through a closet.

"Hey Jack," Quackity said, greeting the man with a small friendly smile. Jack whipped around, in the middle of putting a bottle of cleaner away. He set it down and nudged a broom back in its place.

"Oh, Quackity." He grinned. "How are ya mate?"

"Good," Quackity said with a firm nod, leaning on the wall. "But nervous."

"Mm, I understand- to some extent," Jack told him, slipping off a pair of plastic disposable gloves and tossing them into the nearest trash can before grabbing a clipboard.

Quackity scoffed at that, fixing up his beanie. "You know Jack, you can be out there rather than back here if you really wanted to."

Jack's smile softened as he walked out of the closet, throwing a bag over his shoulder. "Yeah maybe. But not all of us have the skills you do, Quackity." He walked past the Quackity, holding the clipboard to his chest. "See ya soon."

"But I just got-"

"Ah ah," Jack called, walking back before waving. "I'm off the clock. No more cleaning for me. I told Niki I'd meet up with her anyway so I do have to leave."

"You're gonna miss it though," Quackity said with a fake pout on his face that Jack simply chuckled at.

"If that's what you believe."

And then Jack walked out of the room, leaving Quackity honestly a bit confused at his last words. He was literally leaving and Quackity would be performing in around ten minutes or so. Quackity sighed, shoulders drooping as he muttered words of disbelief with a shake of his head.

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now