The Moon Dips, My Heart Rises Like The Tides: Part Two

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WHOO again thank you to Ranbootslol from ao3 for betareading this and for Countess_Alejandra for suggesting that Quackity comes home later at night (and then sees wilbur)

part two: what you see in the dark shouldn't come to light

The day goes fairly well.

It does, in a way, go the preferred direction Quackity wants this day to.

He makes sure to stop somewhere to eat on the way there. Then it's a fairly lengthy conversation when the man who's interviewing him reveals a shared interest they have.

By the time it's ending and Quackity is being walked out by a lady wearing similar dress pants to his and slicked back dark hair he starts to wonder if he is going to get the job or not. And maybe she can read his mind, or maybe his face is just really easy for people to read, but she smiles at him, dark red lipstick and all, to form a friendly gesture as she shrugs.

"Less stress, okay? Think he likes you," She says, opening the door for him to which he just nods appreciatively, the beginnings of hope starting to simmer in his chest as he walks away with a polite thank you and goodbye.

Quackity sinks into the driver's seat of his car, pulling out his phone and forcing away any possible remains of anxious energy that comes from a job interview. Not that he isn't a confident person and all, but he was indeed nervous to a good extent during that time.

However, the interview is over, and he is going to try to not let the wait for a result hang dangerously over his head and weigh him down with an unfairly ridiculous amount of uncertainty that stops him from doing things.

The lady said the guy likes him anyway.

So he makes sure to add a smile to his text that he sends to Karl with a well deserved 'thank you man'.

Quackity is about to start his car, but of course his friend is quick to see the message, ask about the interview, and offer to meet up at the small coffee corner conjoined to the main supermarket they both shop at.

Obviously Quackity accepts.

His dress shoes dully click against the concrete of the sidewalk as he walks past local shops ranging in variety from a pizza parlor to a nail salon.

When Quackity gets there, Karl is stuffed into the far left, his mess of hair and frizzy maroon sweater already giving him away before his smile sells him out, just barely hiding in the corner from Quackity's vision.

"Good news," Karl starts as Quackity approaches, the warm lighting bathing them both. It's fairly quiet in the cafe, seeing as it's reaching the later hours of the day, darker skies arriving rather quickly. "I think you grew, like a good full centimeter since I last saw you."

Quackity rolls his eyes and Karl squints like he's calculating something, which turns out to be correct. "Which I think was almost two months ago, dude."

"That sounds like a normal growth rate to me," Quackity says with a shrug before he sits down, momentarily glancing out the glass windows to see car lights and street lamps lighting up the multitude of people crossing white lines on black asphalt.

"Maybe. I dunno." Karl hums, then blinks and waves dismissively at the subject. "But what do you even do in your house for two months straight?"

" Almost two months." Quackity corrects with a grumble but answers anyway with a noncommittal nod. "Lots of things, and I'm not always inside my house waiting for nothing."

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