Looking For A Way Out

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oh my gosh sorry LOl I was gonna have this posted like last week or something but then stuff came up so SORRY this took a while

anyway, this was a request from Something_11_ (mentions might not be working, but yeah this is for Something_11_) I loved the idea whole lot, so thanks for requesting

The dim and flickering light above his head threatened to burn out and leave him in the complete darkness he was stuck in. The floor underneath him was cold and bare, solid and hard on his poor knees that dug into the concrete. Not even his thick trench coat could save him from the chill of this place, the sound of a single water droplet dropping into a small puddle repeating over and over dully along with the whistle of nothingness that trickled into his mind.

Then he heard the distant sound of it approaching, immediately he froze up and waited with dread as the sounds of the dooming train got closer and closer, the sound of the wheels screeching and sending a shiver up his back as he dared to peek up through the mess of his hair.

He brought one hand up to his hair in an odd way of hiding himself as looming shadows crept over towards the edge, waiting for the prime awful train. It came around every so often, but he still was affected by the loud sounds and the screech of its wheels on the tracks it ran on.

Prime did he hated this tube line. Everything mocked him with its stillness, reminding him that there was absolutely nothing here besides himself and mindless shadow figures. He was alone. Alone and in a constant depressing state of misery and anger.

Wilbur thought, at some point, he might leave this place. But it seemed he was in fact in this limbo forever, an extra consequence of death that had him slipping and spiraling, then afterwards, leaving him empty inside, hollow and robbed of any emotion until it returned for another episode.

Which he was trying to avoid. His hands were roughed up from desperately trying to break down the brick wall behind him (he did not succeed, unsurprisingly), as were they sore from pulling on his hair and suffocatingly holding himself. So course, his scalp also burned from the fingers that were previously pulling on his curls. His eyes felt so dry too, all tears pulled out with sobs and pleas to leave. That was why he dreaded the noise of the approaching train just a bit more than normal. He had just calmed down from a massive "sobbing session" as he would call it to undermine it. So achingly, he didn't want to see the stupid taunting lights of it. But it seemed he didn't have a choice as it got louder and louder

Wilbur used to think that maybe, if he was lucky, the train came around to pick him up and bring him back to life again, however that would work. But instead, it either zooms right past, flooding his ears with noise, or it comes to a slow stop to just sit there, almost waiting for Wilbur to get off of the ground and walk over on wobbly legs.

He did, a couple of times. But of course, the doors never opened for him. His hands used to have terrible bruises from trying to open the doors or trying to get in through a closed window. But then he would hear an unmistakable chime and he would back up just to watch it leave, accepting defeat over and over. It was also unfair how the looming shadows that wandered around were able to get on the train, moving right through the door without it even having to open. He didn't understand that part, or why they were even here. Probably just to taunt him.

And right now it seemed they were doing just that as about five of them stood at the edge, waiting for the train. He didn't even bother standing up this time, he knew he wouldn't be gaining anything by doing so.

So he sat there, tensing up as the tube finally came into sight with a much slower pace then before, eventually slowing to a stop and he winced as the shadows just seemingly phased through the doors like it was nothing, like it was that easy and he just wasn't good enough to be capable of doing such.

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now