Take my attention, that's something you're good at

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I kinda like this one (some pieces of the writing style ooo).  Also, some of this may have been originally written on a Nintendo before I had something to write on, ya never know. Have some spice and enjoy :D

Wilbur twirls the little umbrella in his drink, hoping for some form of entertainment as he sighs. He's just sitting here, leaning against the bar counter in the casino of Las Nevadas. And it's not too entertaining.

So when Quackity walks over, silently moving to behind the counter. Wilbur can't help but feel a sense of relief. Finally, he's not alone and completely bored out of his mind.

"Hello Big Q."

Quackity taps on the counter, looking up to meet Wilbur's gaze. He doesn't smile, only nods. "Wilbur."

"Thanks for all the free drinks, by the way," Wilbur says with a grin, genuinely, he was thankful. Sometimes it's exactly what he needs to cool down after a day full of work and stress.

"If it's what gets you to stop bothering my citizens, then sure, drink up." Quackity shrugs, pouring himself a drink before quickly glancing over at Wilbur. "But not too much, of course. Be reasonable."

"I'm so glad you care, Big Q."

"I just don't like people who can't put their drink down."

"But you wouldn't like me either way."


"I'm safe with it," Wilbur says with a honest tone because he really was- sometimes. But that's a story for another day.

"Hope you are."

Wilbur hums in response, clicking his tongue. It's too quiet. He wanted to have a real conversation. Not get told to still limit himself with his limitless drink supply. Heh.

So he stands up, brushing off his pants and making his way around the counter. Quackity questions his every action, of course he does. Shooting him a glare as Wilbur wobbles over, a floppy smile on his face.

"What do you-"

"How was your day, Quackity?" He cuts him off, leaning his elbows on the counter and peering up at the other. Quackity scoffs, remaining still before he gives in.

"It was just another day full of signing papers and walking around." Quackity tells him, waving his hands around and Wilbur's eyes follow it, so distracted by the movement that he almost doesn't even take notice of the shift in Quackity's tone. But he does, it's definitely there. "And other stuff, I guess."

Wilbur looks back up at Quackity's face, seeing how even his facial expressions shifted. There's something behind those mismatching eyes he can't quite place a name onto, and Quackity's lips are pressed into a thin line. He almost looks regretful about something. Or does he look upset?

Wilbur has no clue. Despite how curious he is, he doesn't press on it.

"Then my day was equally as boring." Wilbur mumbles, chin in his hands as he studies the counter with no actual interest. He's way more interested in the conversation he's having. It's a decent way to get rid of boredom. "I haven't done anything but stand in the sun, sit and sip, then talk to you."

"Fucking hell, don't you have a job? A burger van to run-"

"We aren't open. Not yet."

Quackity nods, awkwardly standing there before leaning against the counter, back facing the opposite way of Wilbur's as he looks down at him. "Damn, does seem boring. I mean, you're talking to me."

Wilbur huffs instead of actually laughing. But it's enough as he sneaks a glance up at Quackity. "Mhm, or maybe people just enjoy talking to you."

"Do you?" Quackity asks, and Wilbur can only see half of his face as he looks outward. But still, only half of this man's face makes Wilbur's words lodge in his throat. He's never really stopped to look at Quackity, at least, that's what he tells himself to save from the late night thoughts about the other.(It rarely saves him). Either way, Quackity's very easy to look at.

Quackbur Oneshots- [TNT DUO] (requests open)Where stories live. Discover now