Lover's Rock

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When Wilbur had asked Quackity on a date he was expecting something like a restaurant or a movie, just, something indoors.

Not that he minded this at all, no this was fine too. In fact, he felt like a balloon full of helium- however that emotion worked- as he sat on the blanket they had spread out across the green grass, a nearly empty glass of lemonade in his hand as he giggled at what Wilbur had just said.

He thought, in moments like this, that he always felt like he was floating around Wilbur because he was head over heels for the man, but another part of it Quackity believed was the realness of it all, seeing as he never actually expected to end up being his boyfriend of all things.

Weeks before, they considered themselves complete rivals of some sort, trying to one-up the other in any shared college classes- oh and they argued a whole lot. Looking back on it, Quackity forgot how it all started that way, he just remembered the way he would silently think about Wilbur the way somebody most certainly wouldn't think about their rival- or just anyone they disliked at that- so he came to the acceptance that he liked Wilbur, as in Wilbur was an attractive man that he would like to kiss, like. Of course, he never told Wilbur that, just kept on fueling the fire of their rivalry until eventually, one thing led to another and it turned out Wilbur was attracted to him too. So of course, as somebody would, the two acted on it, spending less time bickering and more time, well, crushing? Who knew, but eventually it had formed into something strong and stable enough with requited feelings and now the two were dating.

Totally strange, but totally awesome, that was what Quackity would say sometimes.

So now, in just these random moments with Wilbur, Quackity felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment because hey, he managed to turn his rival into his lover, and that was pretty impressive in his humble opinion.

Wilbur had even done the same, come to think of it. After all that was why Quackity was here, sipping on lemonade that was just a bit too sour, but still enjoyable as he batted his lashes at Wilbur like some lovesick character in a supposedly romantic scene in a cartoon. Yes, he had no excuse except for the fact that Wilbur was charismatic in nearly every way, looks, voice, personality, and talent-. The list went on and so if Quackity just sat there admiring that for a moment, so he did.

Of course, though, he didn't stare forever and instead picked up Wilbur's phone to change to song they were playing through the speaker Quackity had brought. Wilbur quickly set his own drink down, a confused look on his face.

"I was listening to that," Wilbur said, lips curling downwards as Quackity grinned, pressing the screen and a new song started up. Wilbur shook his head, though he didn't succeed at hiding his smile. "Okay, sure, this song is alright."

Quackity scoffed, eyeing the way the grass turned into stones and sand that soon got swallowed by the shallow water of the lake, then, looking up to see the "Lovers Rock" as it had been named a little ways in the distance, various trees surrounding them completely. With a sigh, he turned back to Wilbur, catching him mumbling the lyrics under his breath. "Uh-huh, just alright?"

Wilbur shut his mouth with a smile, crossing his legs and shrugging. "Whatever, I just know a lot of songs."

Quackity simply hummed, deciding on ditching his drink in favor of moving right up next to Wilbur and leaning on him, the back of his head against Wilbur's chest. Wilbur glanced down at him, Quackity squinting back at him due to the sun in his eyes.

"You want to know something really unfair?" Wilbur asked, voice lilting higher with an appreciative tone as Quackity attempted to nod. With that, Wilbur threw one arm over Quackity's shoulders, his hair shadowing some of his face. "Somehow, you look so pretty from every angle. Seriously, every single angle, Quackity."

Quackity forced a frown onto his face as if it would help with how quickly his face was warming up and he waved a hand dismissively, "Oh piss off Wilbur, you're so ridiculous."

"What? It's true," Wilbur defended, craning his neck to just barely kiss Quackity's forehead and as a result Quackity slid down somewhat, head now on Wilbur's stomach as he laid in between Wilbur's long legs. For a moment, both of them would have thought Quackity was going to fall asleep. However, he only blinked up at Wilbur, lazily reaching for the other's lemonade and lightly laughing when Wilbur picked it up before him. "You have your own, you know?"

"Yes I know," Quackity said, clearly not caring as he gestured for Wilbur to hand it to him. "But I want a sip of yours."

"They're the exact same thing." Still, Wilbur handed him the cup.

"No, mine belongs to me, and yours belongs to us," Quackity stated, informing Wilbur who chuckled at that, his chest rumbling and making Quackity roll his eyes. "You're gonna make me spill it if you keep moving."

"Well, I'm just curious about how that makes sense."

"Not everything has to."

Wilbur tilted his head up, sarcastically sighing. "Wow, that's so deep, love."

"That's what she said," Quackity grinned, earning a disapproving look from Wilbur, still, he was most certainly holding back a smile.

"You're ridiculous," Wilbur mumbled, the way he softly spoke and leaned down to gaze appreacitley at Quackity making his words not mean much of anything as Quackity blinked up at him, humming in his chest before Wilbur scrunched his face up. "One of the top students my ass-"

"Ay." Quackity swatted Wilbur's leg, shooting him a look as he shook his head. Then, he sighed, "I could take a nap here, you know."

"Well first," Wilbur starts, but he cuts off as he twists his torso around to rummage in their bag, making Quackity shift around to sit back up properly and blink at Wilbur. Then, he turned around, holding a glass lock neck bottle of wine. "I brought some if you want any."

Quackity huffed out a laugh. "I'll have some."

"Good, otherwise I would have to had cheered to myself."

Quackity grins. "I think you're on your whole own level of being a loser, Will."

Wilbur pauses to glance over at Quackity and shake his head, but it's far too fond and he smiles down. "Wow, love the things you say to me, baby."

Quackity most certainly does not blush at the nickname, he's heard it too many times he's grown immune. Except he hasn't and he ducks away with warm cheeks. "Ditto," He says with a shrug, because he is very good at being totally casual and cool.

And so, casually, and in a very cool manner, Wilbur and Quackity end up sipping on wine together, sides pressed together as they lean on the other like there's no other way they can exist, laughing at an oddly proportioned tree somewhere along the way and comparing the other to something in nature they found pretty like the stupidly in love couple they are.

Emphasis on stupid when Wilbur stands up, stretching rather dramatically before shucking his shirt off and earning a confused scold from Quackity that it could rain within any minute.

Wilbur just shrugs him off, smiling at him. "I'm going to jump in the lake. Join me?"

Quackity scoffs, staying seated and crossing his arms. "No way, dude."

Here is another old lil thing, hopefully you liked it :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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