Party Plummet

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"But would you at least wanna say hi?"

"Dude." Quackity deadpans and it's strange how all of a sudden he's very aware that his dress shirt is fairly wrinkled and he adjusts his beanie. He does not want to say hello to Wilbur. "What? No. Of course not. Why would I- I mean, yeah."

He blinks, hoping Charlie doesn't say anything about his stumble of words. It doesn't mean anything, anyways. Charlie does, however, glance at him questioningly, a smile starting to pull at his lips. "So wait, 'yeah' as in you want to go say hello?"

Oh shit. Quackity holds his arms up, tugging Charlie back when he dares to take a step in the direction Quackity swears he saw Wilbur last. "What? No, no. I didn't mean it that way. Why would I need-"

"Want." Charlie corrects, following with a sip of his lemonade. Quackity takes a deep breath and flattens out his shirt, sparing a glance around the room in case Wilbur somehow magically hears them and decides he's entitled enough to make this decision for Quackity, which no one is. Quackity did not want to go say hello.

"Why would I want to?" He asks with a scoff, now seemingly much more nonchalant as he shrugs and leans against the wall. Charlie, however, looks him up and down like he knows something and Quackity doesn't. That same glint in his eyes from before turns and Quackity's brows furrow in response, urging him to explain.

When Charlie sees Quackity is just going to wait for the answer he leans back with a tired groan. "Oh come on, Quackity." He complains, hunched forward in what might just be defeat. "Are you telling me you're that far gone?"

Quackity huffs, honestly confused. "Far gone into what ?"

Charlie stands up straighter and points at him. "Denial!"

And Quackity has no idea what he's talking about.

Absolutely no idea.

Denial. His head repeats the word slowly. Then with a jolt, it shouts it in his head. Denial!

Quackity has nothing to deny, though, let alone anything that has to relate to Wilbur Soot. So Quackity squints at Charlie with judgment and whips his head around dramatically.

Denial of liking Wilbur.

"Woah-" Quackity nearly bumps into the wall, thrown off guard by his own thoughts. It's so terrible and unprompted he wants to tear his mind out. Anything to make him stop thinking. Bad things tend to happen when he does.

After all, he had been thinking earlier and stupidly thought coming to a party where Wilbur would be wasn't a bad idea. But it so absolutely is.

Quackity bumps into the wall this time.

Except it's not a wall, he quickly realizes. He also realized he would have honestly preferred a wall compared to the sight he sees when he finally clicks back into reality.


"Quackity," He says with a glance, he seems slightly offended Quackity has yet to apologize. But he won't be, so that sucks for him. God, Quackity can't stand this man.

Something about him, something about a couple awkward interactions when they used to be friends, something about Quackity that used to have a crush on this man.

Not anymore though, because Wilbur isn't into him nor is he good company - he's annoying, actually. Potentially pompous.

"Charlie is over there," Quackity blurts out, throwing out a possible explanation for why Wilbur is over here. Quackity had chosen his side of the house for the party night, so Wilbur had the other half. It's sometimes a thing they do to avoid crossing paths because when Wilbur isn't going out of his way to press Quackity's buttons, the two are able to build a system of solitude in a way. It's weird, but honestly Quackity can't be around him too much without remembering the way he used to gaze over his broad shoulders, his hair-

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