For Now: part three

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Part three: On My Mind

Wilbur sighs, the still sight of the counter is not surprisingly, the same sight it was when he sat down a while ago.

Yet, his thoughts keep him busy enough, so the lack of interest the counter has is alright.

Thoughts about two days ago, to be exact, a certain casino in a certain country, joined by a certain somebody. Who is now about an estimate of ninety percent of his thoughts, which even he can't deny is a whole lot.

But that's how it is, Quackity's made himself at home in Wilbur's brain, with no plans to leave soon and instead, making sure he's almost all Wilbur ever thinks about.

Whether it is the day at the casino, where he let Wilbur kiss him and then dance with him too, or whether it is questions about that day and other moments that they shared at the top of the needle tower in Las Nevadas. It's all Quackity and hardly any answers.

Yesterday, Wilbur had walked into Las Nevadas in search of Quackity. But then he realized he had no idea what to say when he saw him, or whay the kiss meant, and also that Quackity didn't seem to be around. So he came back and now it's the almost the end of the next day because he's been spending the majority of it thinking about Quackity.

But that's just the majority, Wilbur's also got other things like his coworker, Ranboo, and their business.

So when Ranboo walks back inside for the third time, Wilbur pulls out of his thoughts and turns his attention to the half ender. Who was looking right back at him. With curiosity.

"Yes, Ranboo?" Wilbur asks, eyebrows raised as Ranboo blinks away with a shrug. Wilbur sighs at his coworker. "You were thinking of something, what was it?"

Ranboo seems to give up on pushing away his question, leaning on the wall that's on the opposite side of the van, gesturing to Wilbur. "Well, it's more like you've been thinking of something."

"Oh?" Wilbur sits up straighter, he should know he's not the only one able to tell when somethings on someone's mind. Ranboo sees the realization on his face as he nods at Wilbur.

"You keep on spacing out, sitting down and staring at the counter," Ranboo says and it's very true, making Wilbur own up to it with a smile.

"I suppose I have," He hums, glancing back down at the counter as previous thoughts start to trickle back to his mind, he shoves them away and claps his hands. "Well, what about it? It's now even got you thinking."

Ranboo shifts, almost seeming to hesitate as if he's trying to guess something before he puts a hand on the counter. "I was honestly just wondering what's got you so distracted, I mean, you like hardly noticed me the first time so it must be keeping you busy."

Wilbur pauses, then glances back up. "So you want to know?"

"Well, yes," Ranboo says with a half shrug that cuts short as he stops to give a thoughtful expression. "If I can, like, it's fine if it's stuff that's too personal, I get that. A lot actually."

And well, Wilbur considers it. Because this is Ranboo, who as far as he knows won't be horribly unbearably judgeful, at least, not in any way Wilbur would notice. So he'd be safe from scrutinizing looks and words. But also, this is his coworker and it's not like he's being forced to tell Ranboo, it's an option and why share if you don't have to?

Wilbur doesn't know as he bites his cheek, eyeing the entirety of the van before slumping on his stool. "It's a someone."

Wilbur sees the second of surprise in Ranboo's eyes before he just looks at him quizzically. "How so?" Then he seems apologetic, making Wilbur confused. "Are they sick? I know how that is, never feels good being away from them knowing they're not-"

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