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High school au
Quackity has a crush on Wilbur

Quackity wishes he could disappear right now.

Some might call it dramatic, but he calls it nearly necessary as he mumbles it under his breath.

The cause for this is simple, really, but Quackity will tell anyone that it's not that simple because there's build up, there's history.

And it starts off at the moment Quackity first realized he liked a guy in his class. His P.E. class, that is.

At first he never really thought anything of the guy when they were on the same team besides a mental shrug paired with, 'Oh, he's pretty good at this sport'.

But then Quackity's eyes wandered towards a head of brown hair more often than not, and he didn't even notice it at first. It was just a sudden moment when Quackity's mind casually observed the fact that, 'Oh, he's pretty.'

But it stayed at a simple, tiny attention at first, just sneaking glances in the gym every now and then. It was somewhat easy because they were on the same team everytime (no, the coach didn't choose them so maybe Quackity was just lucky he ended up with Wilbur).

But of course this brunette unknowingly changed that. Quackity heard his voice, he liked it. He overhead him talking with his friends a lot, the things he laughed at and it was a little window into his personality. Quackity also liked it.

And of course, his smile. Quackity liked it a lot.

So he realized at this point he had a crush. It was obvious to himself and he hoped that didn't mean it was clear for everyone else.

But man he liked this guy so much. He was cute, he was pretty, and his name was Wilbur Soot.

See? There's build up.

Quackity likes Wilbur, and when they were just out on the court Wilbur had even passed the ball to him. Lovely, of course. But that isn't the case because Quackity dropped it. Wilbur threw the ball and he didn't catch it.

Embarrassing? Obviously it is.

So now he's leaning up against the folded bleachers rethinking his life decisions.

He can't even talk to his two friends because they're both absent, leaving the scene playing in his head on repeat to make fun of him as he mentally cringes himself.

Because Quackity sucked during that two minute game, he tells himself not to look over at Wilbur to prevent himself from feeling self-disappointment again. But it's habitual in the way his head turns, eyeing the brown hair he's come to easily identify and his unfairly attractive face.

Even the clothes he wear has Quackity looking at the floor, holding back from blushing because that would be ridiculous, wouldn't it?

In Quackity's view Wilbur's just near perfect when it comes to what Quackity likes in a guy. And just in general he's so much better than all the other high school boys.

But god, oh god, Quackity hasn't even said hello.

He's a pussy, he knows it. He's told that to his friends before.

But you can't blame him. He isn't exactly a risk tasker and he has no clue what Wilbur thinks of him. He doesn't know how to figure that out either (in a way that isn't asking the guy himself).

Sometimes Quackity thinks that, maybe, flr a moment Wilbur was just looking at him. Like when they're both on the bleachers, or they're both on the court, or when Wilbur's out on the court, staying a bit far behind where the two teams are trying to get the ball.

But then Quackity thinks his brain is tricking him because he's so hung up on this guy. It's giving him hope that's not there.

Because it even might happen at lunch too, when Wilbur walks past in front of the tables Quackity's seat is behind. Maybe. Probably not though. Because Quackity was most likely looking at him first since after all, that makes sense. Quackity, for a fact, likes him. So what must've happened was Quackity looked at Wilbur, who was looking around the cafeteria as a whole, or felt a pair of eyes on him.

God this is so dumb.

It's another day, another hour, and Quackity's back in the gym and their playing the same sport.

His friends are here and he's been having a blast. Forget those days when people complained about gym class, you just have to have somebody to have fun with during it.

Quackity's on the court and both his friends and his crush are on his team. So it's pretty neat.

He's made somewhat decent space between him and other players, watching as the ball is passed.

Then Wilbur has it.

Then he throws it over to Quackity.

It's an easy ass catch.

It's a save from self-implaced embarrassment.

They don't get a goal, though. The ball's stollen.

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