Oh Well Hell

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Quackity had somehow agreed to a blind date

Also I'm warming back up to writing, something I haven't done in a month because maaaan does life keep you busy

Quackity is starting to really hate himself for letting this happen.

How the fuck- sorry- how in the world did he manage to allow himself to be put in a position like this?

He mutters under his breath, regret and frustration tainting his teeth as the flavor of disappointment tickles his tongue.

The big deal here?

Quackity's currently waiting for some supposed-to-be man of his dreams in a bakery-restaurant-thing run by two best friends he actually knows pretty well.

That last bit is besides the point.

The real point is Quackity is on a blind date.

Somehow, someway, Quackity's friends convinced (forced) him into doing this. He still isn't quite sure how it all happened. Perhaps they knocked him out and figured out a way to place fake memories of Quackity agreeing to a blind date. It's unlikely due to many reasons, but let's not say the options unavailable or anything.

He almost considers leaving, ditching the sweet smell of pastry, fresh rolls, and a batch of cupcakes that one of the workers is currently packaging, their pink apron aesthetically adding to the soft, warm yet practical feel and look of this place.

But Quackity doesn't, he stays seated in his seat and glances over at two people munching on coffee and donuts, some light oil pastel painting hanging above the table in between them.

The bell to the door rings and his eyes instantly dart towards the entrance. However, a lady in her early thirties walks in with a kid that looks to be around ten years old, both heading towards the pick-up counter.

Bored and trying to calm his nerves, Quackity faintly listens as they confirm their order, all that goodness, and take their box of cupcakes, one that the kid tries to hold as they ask if there will be enough for all of their friends.

The mom responds with a "Yes, bubba, now let's go to the car." Leaving Quackity empty of distraction. But of course, as they leave, three men come in, all talking loudly and Quackity squints around, suddenly realizing this place is rather busy, more so than usual.

The guys, apparently, are brothers that want to surprise their mom on her upcoming birthday, something Quackity mentally smiles at as they argue over knowing her the best.

The bell rings again though, and Quackity pauses at the blonde man he's met with. For a second, Quackity wonders if this is the guy or not. He truly, honest to god, looks like one of those Instagram men that love to avoid wearing shirts. Just a little toned down and on a smaller budget.

He even looks around the place. Is this really him? Is that our guy? Quackity hesitates, face scrunching up.

Not that he's bad-looking... it's just, well, he's not Quackity's type in the slightest. Maybe in the fact that he's male, but that's about it.

People are filling in fast now, Quackity's eyes continuously flickering back to that dude just in case, watching to see if he moves towards the restaurant-focused half of the building. It's almost difficult to hear conversations near the counter as chatter uprises.

But then, the dude walks over and Quackity hears something about his daughter winning some huge contest, pulling out his phone to show the idea the worker is already familiar with (wonders of the online world).

Quackity doesn't know if he should laugh or not, because he nearly thought that father was his guy. Did that dude even date guys? Who knows. But this blind date might be turning out to be a waste of his time, even with all these customers that just love sharing everything and anything with others in the building. Maybe it's the environment in here that makes everyone a chatter, all of them ready to walk up to a stranger and say-


Quackity nearly jumps, startling out of his thoughts as a voice calls behind him and he registers the hand they've placed on the booth he's sitting at.

He whips his head around, blinking and- wait, wait. He blinks again, wondering what's wrong with his vision as the figure in front of him steps back with hesitation.

Oh...... shit.

The man, tall and absolutely confused, draws back his hand and tilts his head up. "Quackity?"

This lovely man happens to be none other than Wilbur Soot himself. The "man of his dreams", his blind date, is Wilbur.

.Quackity's mind is already plagued with mantras of nos and curses. This is not supposed to happen.

"Wilbur Soot," Quackity croaks, hands still and heart cautiously beating witth dread.

God. You go on a blind date in hopes of getting over a guy and he ends up being the one you're set up with. The guy you were sure had no interest in you so you gave up.

What a world.

Wilbur seems just as unsure about this, eyes unable to settle on literally any single thing for more than two seconds as he inhales. "Are you, uh- you aren't...?" He doesn't even finish and Quackity's forced to hide his face as Wilbur shifts on his feet.

"On a blind date? Yeah," He forces out, shoving down any embarrassment that might be crawling its way onto his expression right now. But fuck, it's not easy, this is humiliating. At least, in his mind. That's the same mind that let himself walk in here anyway.

Wilbur hums. "Oh." Then he clears his throat, looking behind him before he slouches, nearly acting in defeat. "Well hell," He mumbles and Quackity refuses to admit anything about how that made him feel as Wilbur ruffles his sleeves and quickly sits down like he'll be shot if he drags this out too long.

"Me too," Wilbur admits, a hint of embarrassment sneaking into his tone. Quackity nods, still a little frozen and trying to keep his mouth from hanging open like in idiot as the silence carries on for a beat, then another, then Wilbur awkwardly nods back. "I guess we are now on a date, Quackity," He says openly, blinking up from the table and pausing, glancing at him. "If you'd even want to continue?"

No. Yes. He isn't so sure. One half says yes, even in ten years still yes. The other says no, "I'm getting over you, dumbass", and a tiny portion says no just to skip to going home together and kissing the other's face off.

So, being wise and quick to make such a simple choice, Quackity anxiously smiles. "Sure-yes, I'd be down."

Quackity waits, Wilbur stalling as he focuses on something, making Quackity about to possibly regret it before he grins, clapping his hands together. "Great, I'm in the same boat."

'We'll see,' ends up being Quackity's first thought, the thought process being Wilbur will eventually find something he doesn't like just enough to call this off. But he bites his tongue and hopes for the best.

Because maybe he misread Wilbur in the past. Maybe there's a chance this blind date wasn't nonsense.


also i have a wilbur oneshot that j wanna share with you guys but it's not quackbur :/ sooo how should I go about doing that

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