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A little girl almost 2 years of age, enters the park with her dad, and her favorite teddy bear in hand.

She immediately goes to the swing set, her dad makes her sit on the swing and pushes her in the air, she laughs as the cool breeze runs past her, playing with the strands of her hair.

Soon she hears a sound she is not fond of, her dads mobile ringtone. He picks up the call and moves a little away from the swings, She has stopped swinging by now, she looks behind and tries to get his attention, but to no avail, she pouts.

She loves her dad more than anything in this world, but she doesn't get to spend as much time as she likes. He plays with her only on the weekends.

Many days of the week would pass without a glance of his face.

She wished he could spend more time with her.

She looked around the park, all the kids were coming with their mommas, but dada has said her momma was a star. She wished her momma too was with her.


The little girl was happy today, she was going with her dad and grandma for a vacation. She had no idea what a vacation was, but her grandma told her dad will be spending more time with her.

And he did, he was around her and playing with her all the time.

But on the vacation she met somebody, she looked like an angel.

The angel used to play with her, feed her, take care of her, dress her up, tell her stories, make cookies.

She loved her angel. She wished she could take her home with her.

She wished the angel, could be her MOM


Hi Guys!!! Hope you liked the prologue. This is my first book. 

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