Chapter 13

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I woke up in the morning and went to get some coffee. I turned the coffee maker on and started gathering the ingredients for making waffles. Soon Ethan came in the kitchen rubbing his eyes. He was startled to see me. May be he forgot I stayed the night.

"Good morning" "Morning". "I thought I'd Make waffles for Emily." His mouth pressed into a hard line. "What the matter you don't like waffles." I looked at him confused. "No its not that" He sighed "I don't know how to say this but .... I don't want .... I don't want you to meet Emily this often" I was confused "What?" "She is getting way too attached to you" "Ohh" "She asked me if you could be her mom." Ohh I raised my eyebrows. I understood what he meant, I should have realized that she would want to have a mother.

"Have you considered marriage?" his jaw clenched "No We both are enough for each other?" he said in anger. He was just being selfish but I didn't say anything I told him I would leave after breakfast and he agreed.

He was sitting having his coffee. When I realized what I had told Emily today. "One more thing" He cocked his eyebrow so as to tell me to continue. I started playing with my fingers a sign of nervousness "Yesterday I.... I .... I.. mentioned that She will be a flower girl for the wedding. His jaw clenched again and his grip on the cup grew tighter. "She may not remember so don't remind her K" I nodded. Ill wake Emily up, he left his coffee mug and went.

After some time, he came with Emily she looked so cute in her T shirt with little hearts all over it. She saw me and she came running and hugged my legs. I picked her and put her in the chair.

I went to get the waffles I put one waffle on her plate "Wow affle" she said and clapped. I put some honey and chocolate syrup on top and cut the waffle up in bits Then she stared eating I too had some and Ethan had it with some eggs and bacon.

"Daddy" "yes love" "belle is going to give me princess dress when I be her ower girl. I and Ethan exchanged looks "Nice" he said. After breakfast I said my byes to Emily.

As I was walking towards the door. "Mike's picking you up?" "No I called an uber" "K just give him this file". I nodded "Thanks" I walked out of the door. As the lift doors opened Ethan called out I turned back "Thanks for helping yesterday" "No problem" I nodded and entered the lift and kept waving back to Emily until the doors closed.

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