Chapter 47

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I just finish my workout, when my phone chimes with a message, I check to see it's a message from Emily, I open it quickly to find a picture of Emily and Ethan, Ethan has been Emily's guinea pig for today and she has styled his hair into four ponies all tied with different colors, with the kit I had sent her.

I smile, and kiss her picture on my phone, I miss her, I let out a breath, Its been three months since I left them, and two since I have moved to New York, I had to move out of San Francisco, it was becoming difficult to stay in the same place as them and not meet them.

Nobody other than Mike and our cousins know that I am here, Mike and I loved NY city and had bought an apartment here. Mike was here for the first two weeks helping me settle in.

I took up the job of a temporary PA, it's nice, something to keep me occupied.

After chatting with Ryan I realized Tom too was in New York and worked a couple of buildings away from my office building. I wanted to meet Tom, just to clear up everything.

I finally gathered courage and I went to his workplace, but he was busy so I left my number at the reception. I didn't know if he was really busy or just avoiding me, but he called back and we met about a month ago.

I reach the café 10 minutes before 10 am and wait for Tom, he comes in 5 minutes later, I get up from my seat and put out my hand for him to shake while he leans in for a hug, on realizing our mismatched greeting, I lean in and he outstretches his hand, we laugh and finally share and awkward hug, before we take our seats. We both look anywhere but at each other. I finally decide to start listen "Tom Im really Sorry..." "NO Im sorry I was totally out of line the other day.... Its just seeing you with him..." "I completely understand, actually I have come here to clarify that". He gave me a confused look.

"I didn't call off our wedding because of Ethan. I was just not happy with the whole thing, Don't get me wrong you're a great guy, but not perfect for me." I raised my eyes to meet his, I expected him to be upset but he was calm "I understand." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

I smile and he returns it with one of his own. I took this time to see the difference from the last time I met him, this was the Tom I knew.

I cleared my throat "One more thing My marriage with Ethan.." "Belle you don't need to justify I get it" "Its Fake... "He was shocked "What??"

I nodded I told him everything about Emily, Ethan's mothers proposal, Ethan's contract the clauses, everything.

He was still frowning and nodding as if he was trying to fill in all the pieces of the puzzle

He was confused "But how are you telling me this now?" "we terminated the contract", "but why" I didn't have an answer to that or rather didn't want to answer that, "You fell for him, didn't you" I let out a fake laugh "Ironic isn't it You loved me I loved him He is in love with Vanessa."

He held my hand which was on the table, "It will be fine trust me", I nodded.

"Well not to rub salt on your wounds or anything but I met someone"

This got me excited "Really" he nodded "want to see?" "yeah" he showed me her picture.

He had met Catherine around six months ago through a common friend.

We chatted for a while after that after which we left the café.

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