Chapter 18

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Today is Emily's birthday, I'm just so excited. I have told Ethan not to tell Emily that I will be coming for the party, so it will be a surprise for her. I can't wait to see her face when she sees me. Ethan told me to bring Tom along as well.

Yesterday I went shopping and I bought Emily a beautiful dress and a few toys.

I went home and got dressed in a blue dress with floral prints, I put on some light make up and went downstairs to meet Mike, he too was coming to the party as Ethan has invited him.

We got in the car and drove to Ethan's penthouse and picked up Tom on the way.

Mike rang the bell to the penthouse. There was a woman who answered the door. She smiled and stepped aside allowing us to enter.

As soon as we entered, "ELLE, Emily came running and hugged my legs. I picked her up and she hugged me again. After sometime she finally left me "Happy Birthday" She was smiling "Tank ou." She blushed. Mike too pinched her cheeks "happy birthday Emily" She pinched his nose mickey. We laughed.

As Ethan was helping Mike with his business Mike has come over a few times and Emily started calling him mickey. The little girl also realized my brother was a cartoon.

Tom wished her too, she just looked at him with her big eyes. I put her down and she went running to two other kids.

"So your Belle" I turned towards the voice she was the same woman who opened the door for us "Yes". "Im Erica Ethans sister" "Ohh Hi" She was a brunette with green eyes. I heard so much about you "Good things I hope" "Ohh are you kidding me Emily is crazy about you, I call her every week and most of the time she only talks about you." "She is such a sweetheart" "I agree But I don't like You" she said with a serious face. I look at Erica confused "After Ethan I was Emily's favorite person and now you have replaced me" She pouted and she looked like emily I laughed and she joined me.

There were not many people for the party Erica, Hazel and her 8-year-old son John and her 5-year-old daughter Haley. One of Ethan's business associates with his wife and 4-year-old son Derek, and Vanessa's parents.

Erica was in the kitchen, baking some pizza pockets for the kids, I was helping her. She was very easy to talk to. She was elder to Ethan by 2 years but still treated him like a baby.

Soon it was time to cut the cake, Erica brought out the cake and I put the toppers of 'Happy Birthday' and 2.

Erica lit the candles. Ethan bent down to Emily's level and they both held the knife. They looked so cute together Emily had worn a pink dress and Ethan too had worn a pink shirt.

We all started singing happy birthday and she got so excited that she stated laughing and clapping her hands and then Ethan held her hand in his and cut the cake and he fed her a bit and she did the same. He kissed her on the cheek and I could see tears pool in his eyes.

Next she took a piece and came to me I knelt and fed her some cake and took a small bite.

It was almost 10:00 pm and Vanessa's parents had gone home, Erica's mom had also retired for the night and Tom had left even before the cake was cut, he had some important presentation to work on, I shook my head,. I guess work is his first wife after all.

Erica and I were cleaning up, but she left me to it when she had to put her kids to bed. Once I was done I went in the family room. Ethan, Mike and the business associate I think Reynold were still discussing and Emily had fallen asleep on Ethan's shoulder. "Ethan" He looked at me, "I'll take Emily" "Yeah, thanks" I carried her and took her to her room. As I kept her she woke up. I changed her into her pjs and put her to sleep and kissed her forehead. I smiled looking at her sleeping figure. I wish I too have a daughter like her someday. 

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