Chapter 23

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It has been a week and life has almost returned to normal, yesterday I met up with Bree and as usual she again gave me wisdom on how marriage is never the right thing. I rolled my eyes some things never change I guess.

It was time for dinner so I went down, Mike had gone on a business trip to New York, mom had made some lasagna for dinner. After dinner I saw a movie 'War with grandpa'. Once I was done I decided to call it a night. I went to my room and checked my phone that I had left on the bed. I checked and was shocked to see missed calls from Ethan, that too ten!!!!

I quickly called Ethan, after three rings he answered "Belle can you come home Emily is not keeping well and ...." He was sounding so desperate and he didn't need to say anything more "Im coming."

I informed mom and dad and left. I reached the penthouse as soon as possible. Ethan opened the door with crying Emily in his arms. He looked miserable to say the least. The moment she saw me she literally jumped towards me and I carried her in my arms, she rested her head on my shoulder and stopped crying. "She is not eating anything she wants the soup you made her, I gave her some chicken soup but she threw up." "Emily you want soup" she nodded. I put her on her high chair and started removing the ingredients to cook. "How did she get a cold?" "She had some popsicles, Too many of them." He shook his head. I smiled "Pop" Emily said "NO more pop for you em." I made the soup and served it in two bowls. Ethan gave me a confused look. "I'm guessing you didn't have dinner as well. He opened his mouth to say something when I stopped him by saying I would feed Emily. I opened a cabinet and took out some chips crushed them and put it on top of the soup and started feeding Emily. Realization hit Ethan he looked at Emily "this is what you meant by chip." She nodded Chip "Ohh" now I gave a confused look "when I was feeding her soup she was saying chip I thought she wanted chips and scolded her.

Emily ate most of her soup and after that Ethan gave her medicine and put her to bed. I was cleaning up the kitchen.

Ethan came in "you don't need to do that" "Its k. Coffee" "Yes please." I made coffee and poured it in mugs for the both of us. We sat in silence.

"Sorry about your wedding." I just shook my head. "Want to talk about it." "Nooo." Tears pricks my eyes.

I finished my coffee and I picked up my keys to the car "You are leaving?" I nodded "Its late I think you should stay Emily will be happy to see you in the morning."

"Are you sure?" He nodded.

I changed into the clothes he gave me and I went to sleep in Emily's room. The moment I lay in bed she turned and put her chubby arms around me and smiled.

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