Chapter 22

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It's been two months since I spoke to Tom. After Tom left I couldn't control my tears. They continuously kept flowing down, I was getting pity looks from other customers. I called Mike to pick me up after some time.

After that day I have drowned myself in work. I go to work come home and just stay in my room. I would only go down for meals. My parents were not happy with my decision. They considered Tom as their son. The only support I had was Mike.

I tried to contact Tom, just to check that he is Okay. He never answered my calls and he didn't even read my messages. I got in touch with Ryan to know that Tom is fine. He said he has just dived into work. Doesn't talk much, nothing, he is overworking himself. He goes to work in the morning and returns past midnight. I feel so miserable for causing him the pain.

I didn't want to leave things this way. I know me and Tom being friends is a long shot, but I wanted him to understand where all this was coming from and that he still meant so much to me.

It was around 11 in the night, I decided to go for a drive. I took the car and drove off, after 30 minutes I found myself at a beach. I got out of the car, removed my shoes and sat in the sand. I could feel the sand in-between my toes, the cool breeze caressing my face. I felt like I could finally breathe. I got up from the sand and rolled up my jeans to wet my feet in the water.

I left rejuvenated. I was walking back to the car. When I saw a food truck with tacos, I went there and had some tacos and finished it off with some ice-cream.

I got in the car and switched my cell phone on and there were a million messages from Mike asking where am I. I quickly texted that I will be home soon and started driving.

This is what I needed; some time alone to think, just be with myself. I am actually feeling a little relaxed now.

I just hope Tom and I would have ended things on a good note.

I reached home to find Mike sitting on the porch steps. I got out and walked towards the door. He gave me a confused look. "What you went to the spa or something? You look relaxed." "Maybe I hooked up with someone" I said innocently. He looked shocked and disgusted "Please tell me your joking." I started laughing looking at his scrunched up face. "I'm kidding" once my laughter died down I looked at him, I gave him a confused look "What?" "Nothing I don't know where you went but it did you good, you're actually smiling". I nodded My head in understanding. "Thanks" I said softly "Thank you for what?" "Just standing by me, supporting me" "I'll always be there", he put his arm around me and pulled me in for a hug. He kissed my head "Always."

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