Chapter 37

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I am heading over to Ethan's office, we are going for Erica's house warming party she has moved to LA, a two-hour drive from San Francisco. Since our penthouse is in the opposite direction, Ethan told me to get ready in his office.

Well, it's been almost seven months since we got married and things have changed for the better, Ethan and I have become friends. Not good friends but friends. He talks to me, about work, family... It feels good, we have made some progress.

I still remember, around three months back Ethan was really busy with some deals, he used to get home late, leave really early and was working weekends too. He was hardly spending time with Emily.

I actually waited up one night till two and then sat him down and yelled at him for neglecting Emily, he felt really guilty and I felt bad, but in my defense I was really frustrated and seeing Emily's sad face was enough for my temper.

Anyway he felt really bad and that particular weekend he did make time for Emily and a month later, when things were sorted out, and he wasn't as busy he took us to Disney world for a week.

We stayed with Erica's Family. I Still remember the day we went to Disneyland, it was just Ethan and me with the kids Emily, Hayley and John, as Erica and Pete were working.

It was crazy to say the least.

John and Ethan were holding Hayley's hands and I held Emily. As we walked in Hayley picked up a map and said she was our leader and we had to follow her.

We first went to 'It's a small world'. It had a small car that went over tracks and there were dolls dressed in attires from all over the world. It was beautiful, all of us enjoyed it, Emily kept clapping and laughing looking at the moving dolls. At the end of it she wanted to take home a few of them and have a tea party. Hayley and Emily had already planned their tea party by the time we made it to our next ride and I was the ordered to make Choco-chip cookies for the party.

Next we went for 'Under the Sea-Little mermaid', then 'Dumbo'. After many rides John was annoyed that he was going on all girly rides. So Ethan and John went for Splash mountain and Harry potter ride and I took the girls to a store. We bought mickey ears for the boys and Minnie mouse head bands for the girls. The girls also picked up dresses of their favorite Disney princesses Emily choose Belle and Hayley choose Cinderella.

After that we all met at a cafe for lunch. We were already seated and Ethan and John came in, on seeing them Emily twirled in front of them to show her dress. They both smiled John "Uncle E now you have two Belles", I cheeks turned red at the comment by john Ethan sat beside me He smiled "I have two belle's" said to himself in a whisper, but I heard it.

After lunch we were waiting for the parade to start and clicked pics during that time waiting for parade. When the parade started it was becoming difficult to carry Emily as she was getting excited bouncing and waving and trying to touch them. Ethan pulled her from my hands. I smiled and mouthed Thanks, he nodded.

Later we went on other rides like Jungle cruise, Winnie the poo and Rio. By evening we were all tired and we went to have some drinks while we waited for the fireworks. I was sitting at a table, while Ethan took all the kids to give them pressed penny's.

On coming back they all showed me their pressed penny's and were telling me why they had chosen that particular one. It was so nice to see them all excited. We decided to sit for a little while and then go near the castle for the fireworks.

All the kids were taking about the rides, when suddenly Ethan slid something towards me on the table. I looked at him confused. He raised his eyebrows and told me to look at it. I looked at it, it was a pressed penny with Belle on it. I smiled and took it in my hand. I looked at him Thank you.

Soon we made our way for the fireworks, it was very crowded. My feet were killing me with all the walking around. I was continuously shifting my weight, after a little while I felt Ethans hand on my hip pulling me back to lean on him. I looked up at him he smiled and the fireworks started. It was so magical; all were mesmerized with it. Everything seemed to be falling in place IT was the perfect ending to a perfect day.

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