Chapter 1

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I put the last of my clothes in the suitcase and zip it up. Done. Today is the first day of the Christmas break and as every year my family goes to San Diego to my dad's brothers place. This is my favorite part of the year, as our whole family gets together to spend Christmas. This year the trip is going to be an emotional one for me as I get married in 10 months' time so Im not sure if I will be able to make the trip next year.

"Belle" my mom's voice brings me out of my thoughts. "Coming!!" I go downstairs to see my mom and dad seated on the dining table for breakfast along with my brother Mike and fiancé Tom, who is going to drive us down to the airport.

Well I met Tom 18 months ago, on an online dating site, he is in advertising and we started chatting, we had a lot of common interests, we met and were together ever since. He proposed a month back and once Im back form my Vacation, Im going to dive into the wedding preparation. A hand on my thigh brings me back from my revere, I look at him and he gives me a question look, I just shake my head and get back to my breakfast.

We are on the way to the airport, I look at Tom and wonder how did I land up with him, He is the great human being, beautiful blue eyes, blonde hair, a smile to die for, we even went to the same university but he was 3 years my senior. He got a job in sales right after College and moved to San Francisco from Chicago, where he used to live with his mom and younger sister Lisa. I had met them when we went there during spring.

The car came to a halt and I looked out of the window to see the airport, my parents got out of the car and Mike was getting the luggage of the trunk. I looked at Tom "I'll miss you. I wish you could come." "Me too, but I have work." he said closing the gap between us and kissed me. I got off the car and waved one last time before he drove off.

Tom was my first in everything, first boyfriend, first kiss, for the rest we decided to wait until marriage, he was with one girl in college before me she was his classmate. She dumped him to be with a jock. Typical!!!College drama I rolled my eyes.

I suddenly felt something hit me on my head, I looked to see Mike laughing. "earth to Princess." I looked around to find a dinner roll on the next seat, I took that same dinner roll and hit him and mom scowled at us. I was 25 and Mike was 28 but he acted like he is 12. He just loved to annoy me. He was working in a company and now is starting up his own business, that's the only time he is serious, I on the other hand teach in middle school.

My entire fight sucked, Mike slept like a big baby with his head on my shoulder, every time I jerked him off, his head came right back where it was, annoying even in his sleep and when he was not sleeping he was flirting with the air hostess with the big boobs.

My favorite time was when the pilot announced we were ready to land.

After an hour's drive we are finally home.

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