Chapter 49

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I woke up to the most beautiful sight, Belle and Emily sleeping in each other's arms, I just moved Belles hair away from her face and behind her ear.

And like always as nothing good lasts, I heard a familiar voice of a man, whom I was not fond off coming from behind.

"What the hell?"

I jerk up from the bed to see a fuming Mike standing at the entrance of the room, He reached me in two quick strides, held me by my collar and pulled me up in standing position, "What the fuck are you doing here?" Belle too was awake by this time, she tried to calm Mike down and pointed towards Emily. He looked at Emily and his eyes softened a bit.

His hand still on my collar and literally pulled me to the living room, he raised his eyes telling me to answer his question, I answered calmly "I had some work in New York" I lied "and you bought Emily along" he said not believing my lie in bit. "And you just happened to bump into Belle," I nodded once. "And how did you reach her apartment?" "I called them here" Belle interrupted, He looked at belle with anger. He turned back to me. "Listen my sister is naïve not to understand your intentions, but I know everything. "First you used your daughter to marry her and now your using her to get Belle back."

Now take Emily and leave.

I took Emily and left after Belle kissed her goodbye.

After an hour I messaged Belle, that I wanted to meet her and talk to her in private just the two of us.

It was 12 noon I was sitting on a bench by the lake, Belle came in a few minutes' time.

"You wanted to talk."

I nodded "I just want to tell you everything."

She nodded and waited fro me to begin

"I met Vanessa in the first year of College, she was the first woman I ever loved.

We promised we would love each other for a lifetime. We had planned everything, every single thing, until she left me." My eyes started getting soggy

"I was shattered. I lost all hope, I didn't want to live, but I did for Emily I couldn't leave my baby girl." I smiled

"I decided I would live for her. But then you entered our lives, I used to like you spending time with Emily because she needed a female influence in the life and Emily bonded with you really quickly.

So I decided on the contract. I didn't want you to get your hopes high, you would be Emily's mother and that's it. It was probably a reassurance for myself that nothing would happen between us." I shook my head.

"But I don't know how and when but I fell in love with you. I thought I would have control on my feelings, but I didn't."

I looked in her eyes and held her hands, so as to assure her, "That night I was with you Belle body and soul, I lied to you and myself in a way, the next morning I realized it was my anniversary with Vanessa and I drowned in my own guilt." I let out a breath.

"But now I have realized my mistake, now Vanessa is in the past and I want you to be my present and future Belle."

"Please give me a second chance, give us a second chance." I held her hands again which were in her lap, she was looking at her feet, I knew if she looked into my eyes tears would start flowing, she didn't say anything.

"Belle I know, I can't force you, but can you at least think about it. Please"

She nodded and hugged me, I put my head in the crook of her neck and took in her fruity scent.

It felt like home, like I was where I belonged.

Hey Guyss!!!!

We are almost at the end of the book two more chapters.

This is my first book and my first time writing, please vote and comment and let me know your views, is it good? or it is bad ?

It will help me decide if I should start with my second book

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