Chapter 3

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Mikes POV

We reached home, Janice picked her shoes in her hand and walked tripping over her own feet, I shook my head both these girls are lightweights, I opened the door to get belle, fast asleep on the back seat, I carefully picked her up and took her to her room. Once I placed her on the bed she hugged her pillow, I removed her shoes and tucked her in. I kissed her on the forehead. How did she grow up so fast? I still remember the day mom brought her home, all wrapped in a blanket, Mom made me sit on the couch and put her on my lap, I fell in love with her on that very day, I also named her Belle as she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Until she joined school she used to follow me everywhere like a puppy. After she joined school she used to have her friends to play with and she had no time for me, I didn't like that so I started annoying her, to get her attention and I'm still doing it. I smile. I remember one evening we were having dinner and she told us she is engaged, my parents agreed as they liked Tom, but I was not going to let my sister marry Him, I had met Tom before but I had to talk to him aka warn him, but he is a nice guy unlike me. I really don't really get the concept of marriage, I shake my head living your whole life with one person, Woah!!! that's too much. I love my life right now, work, spend some time with the family and regular one night stands.


Bells POV

I wake up with the worst headache Agrhh!!! why did I have to drink that much? I press my temples to stop the ache. I come down the stairs all were having breakfast, I poured myself some coffee and went to sit with the others. Later in the day Janice and I were going to the mall to get everyone presents.

We shopped for the last 4 hours, we were tired and decided to get something to eat before leaving. I suddenly remembered my aunt Janine talking about some guests coming so I asked Janice about it. "Moms school friend is coming on Christmas and will stay on for the week, she is from LA, coming with her daughter or something." Hmm.. I made a face I don't like anybody but the family on holidays, not very social that way.

On reaching home I call Tom "Hi babe," I could hear the jingling of keys "where are you?" "Just got home from work. I'm missing you" "me too, so how's everything over there ?" "good went clubbing last night and shopping today" "No wonder that explains the unanswered calls last night." " Sorry as usual I had too much to drink" he laughs "tell me something new" I fake annoyance "very funny, anyway any plans for Christmas" "my mom's coming with Lisa" "Ohh that's great" "hmm...I'll miss u though. Any way next year we will be celebrating Christmas together as husband and wife I can't wait to marry you."

I smile me too "anyway got to go bye, love you ..good night" and I cut the call I keep starting at the blank screen Its weird I've always wanted to get married and I feel like something is missing. Maybe it's just nerves.

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