Chapter 25

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I had just finished lunch at school and my cell phone buzzed indicating an incoming call. I looked to find a message form an unknown number.

Hi Belle

This is Hazel

Just wanted to invite you home for dinner tonight

I kept staring at the message. Why is she inviting me over for dinner? 

As if it wasn't awkward enough yesterday?

Any special occasion??

No just wanted to thank you for helping out with Emily.

K will be there.

I had spent my lunch break texting back and forth with hazel, and learnt that it will be just me and hazel. This felt really weird, I'm feeling that Hazel hiding something. I guess I'll have to go and find out.

It was around 7:55 pm when I rode the elevator to the penthouse with a wine bottle in my hand. I had worn an orange and white knee length dress.

I rang the doorbell and was welcomed by a smiling Hazel. She had set up a dinner table in the balcony. Emily and Ethan had gone to one of his friend's daughters 4th Birthday.

Hazel had gone all out and made grilled chicken, salad and pasta, shrimp cocktail I felt I was a lamb being led to slaughter.

Conversations had been flowing continuously from Erica and Ethan to my job and also politics.

After dinner Hazel had gone to get some dessert, she came with apple pie, I had just taken a bite of the tart, when Hazel spoke "You know as a mother I am always worried for my children" I nodded "Specially about Ethan and Emily more so after Vanessa. I always wanted Ethan to get remarried but he never agreed." I could not understand why she is telling me all this. "But Emily needs a mother ......and..... she has really got attached to you." I rolled my eyes I hope its not that stay away from Emily again I opened my mouth to say something but What she said left me at a loss of words "Will you marry Ethan." It was like the world froze, did I hear her correctly.

As if on cue Ethan entered with sleeping Emily in his arms. His jaw clenched when he looked at us.

He stormed out without greeting us.

I felt her touch my arm on the table, I looked at her. "I know it is too much but just think about it. Please" I thought "Has Ethan agreed to this." She opened and closed her mouth a couple of times but no words came out. I got my answer.

"Can I speak to Ethan" She nodded and told me check his office?

The door to Ethan's office was slightly ajar I knocked and entered. He was standing looking outside the window. "Are you okay with this marriage?" He let out a breath "Have you already agreed?" "No I just wanted to talk to you" I took one step closer to him "Do you want to get married?" He ran his hands through his hair. "NO, Vanessa is my wife I love her and only her. I know she is not here but I can never give her place to anyone else." He let out a breath, "But Emily does require a mother, I realized that after seeing her with you." He turned I could see the tiredness frustration and conflict in his eyes. "But even if I marry you, you will not be my wife just Emily's mother. So don't expect anything."

At that moment I didn't care what he said, I just wanted to hug him and comfort him, I had never seen him so broken. But I stood rooted to my place he turned back towards the window. I took that as my cue to leave.

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