Chapter 30

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I wake up to my alarm blaring, I put it off and sit up on my bed I see belle scrunched up on the couch. I should buy a new couch, this one is very uncomfortable. I slept just for one day and had spasms in my back and she has been using it for a fortnight.

I sigh, it has been two weeks since we have got married. I was devastated on that day, it brought back so many memories of my wedding with Nessa. I shake my head and get up and get to my routine.

As I walk towards the kitchen buttoning my cuffs, the aroma of bacon fills my nostrils indicating the Belle is at work in the kitchen, from the second day of our wedding she wakes up and makes me breakfast. I had told her that she is not obligated to wake up and make breakfast for me. When she still insisted on it, I refused to eat the breakfast and just had toast, but gave in after a week and it doesn't help that she is a good cook.

These two weeks have been nice, I can concentrate on work without worrying about Emily, I trust Belle with Emily. Emily too, is much happier; the moment I enter the penthouse she starts talking of all the activities they do during the day. Belle not only plays with her but teaches her many things as well.

Today as usual when I went home Emily jumped in my arms and started telling me how they made flowers from paper and many other things.

I was currently working in my office after dinner and putting Emily to bed.

I finished my work and went to my room, Belle was in a tank top and PJ shorts reading a book, I sat on the bed and was going through my messages. My Mom was currently pestering me to take Belle for a Honeymoon after arguing time and again, I finally agreed to a family vacation.

Belle was just going to her couch when Emily walked in with her favorite teddy in hand and tear filled eyes. "What happened baby??" Belle went and carried her. No lite. She looked scared. Belle and I looked at each other confused. I went to Emily's room to check and found that her night lamp had stopped working, by the time I came back, Emily was on my bed and Belle was laying down beside her with her palm to Emily's stomach.

When she saw me, she extended her arm towards me Dada and made a come here action. I went and lay down beside her, she took my palm and put it on top of belles and put her palms on top of it and closed her eyes.

Belle and I were awkward in this position but if we moved Emily would wake up. It felt weird touching her hand, I looked at her after some time, she too had fallen asleep with Emily, she looked so calm as always. Her long eyelashes, resting on her cheeks, her lips slightly parted.

I blinked quickly why am I staring at her?? I think I'm too tired I shook my head and closed my eyes and welcomed sleep.  

Hey Guys!!!!!

Is Ethan really too tired or is something brewing!!! What do ull think, should we ship them?

Open to suggestions

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