Chapter 46

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It's been three months since Belle left us, my mind goes back to the day she left us, still fresh in my mind like it was yesterday, but it feels like a lifetime without her.

After we terminated the contract I waited for a while and walked towards our room, I thought she'd be asleep, so I'd watch her sleep one last time, but to my surprise she had packed to leave.

I heard the sound of a car, it was her ride, she was leaving...... IT'S OVER.

She walked passed me and I turned to watch her leave, she took two steps and turned to me, she took quick steps, hugged me, and buried her head in the crook of my neck, I balled my hands into fists in my pockets, how I wanted to hold her close to me, and keep her here never to let go off her, but I couldn't, not now, not until I figure out what I feel, she deserves better, she deserves to be away from me.

She breaks the hug and holds my face in her palms, take care of yourself and Emily too" Why is she Iike this? how can she still care when I have put her through hell?

She kisses my cheek and leaves. I feel something on my cheek, I touch to feel tears left in her wake.

"Dada" I'm brought out of my thoughts, I smile "Yes Princess", I looked up from my file to see her with the hair kit Belle had sent for her Birthday. She climbs up the couch and opens up her kit, she takes a comb out from the kit and starts combing my hair before styling it.

Belle was true to her word, she video called Emily every day for the first two weeks, then reduced to thrice a week for a month and now she calls once or twice a week. She even met Emily every week for the first month. After which she has moved out of San Francisco.

 Emily misses her presence, but is happy overall. I sigh

I too started taking care of myself, I try not to overwork myself and have my meals regularly and spend as much time as possible with Emily.

I was fine physically........ but a part of me was missing.

I took the much needed break Erica had suggested, after a month of Belle leaving I took a week off and sorted myself out.

I realized I can't hold onto my past; it's been 2 years and I needed to move on, I needed, no wanted someone to share my life with, I want to be whole again, and only one person could do that.


"Dada look." I looked into the small mirror Emily had held in front of me, she had made four ponies on my head tied with pink and purple hair rubber bands.

"Very nice." We take pictures on Emily's tab, "I send mama."

Emily then starts seeing her favorite cartoon.

I have no idea where Belle has moved to, I have even appointed a PI, just to find out where she is and if she is okay, I even called Mike to find out using Emily's excuse, but to no avail. He hates me now I let out a sigh

I even spoke to Janice but Belle wasn't there, she wasn't at Bree's place, I need to find her.

I looked at the time, I need to get ready for my meeting with Tom, he had been posted in New York for the past six months. I hope he doesn't give me a hard time.


I was reading the terms of our Chicago project, when I got an intimation from my secretary of Tom's arrival, I straitened my jacket and there was a knock on the door. "Come in."

He entered in with a sinister smile "So your wife finally left you" he said striding in.

I rolled my eyes "Can we discuss what we are here for", I stood up and we shook hands, I gestured for him to have a seat, he was opening up some files, "Im sorry, the last time...." Tom looked up "actually im sorry I was completely out of line." He stared behind me out of the window, "actually I loved her and to see her happy with someone else." I balled my hands into a fist, and cleared my throat bringing back his attention to the matter in hand.

After an hour, we were done with the meeting, I pass my file over to him, in doing so I drop the photo frame on my table, it's the picture of Belle, Emily and me from nicks wedding, Tom picks up the frame before I could, "nice picture", "thanks" he holds the picture for me to take it, I hold it but he doesn't leave it I look at him he stares into my eyes, like he's trying to read me, he finally leaves the frame and I place it back on my table.

"You love her don't you." He gave me a knowing look. I let out a breath, "I do". He shook his head smiling "you never know what you've got until you lose it."

"If you are done rubbing salt on my wounds you can leave" I picked up a file and pretended to read it. "I know where she" is my head shot up "you do?" he smirked "Im messing with you." He raised his arms in surrender.

I get up from my seat and extend my palm he gets the clue and gets up and we shake hands and he lets himself out.

I sit back and trace my fingers over Belles face in the frame, Belle was sitting with Emily in her lap and I was sitting next to her, Emily was giving a toothy smile, Belle had a slightly shocked expression as I gave her a peck on the cheek, those memories bring a smile to my face.

I suddenly hear my door open. I look up to see Tom popping his head in "She's in New York" he said with a wink and left.

I smile he could be bluffing but it's definitely worth a shot.

Im going to new york...............

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