Chapter 35

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I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked behind and was surprised to see the person standing in front of me

"Ryan" I said surprised "The one and only" he spread his arms and we hugged each other. "How are you" "I'm good" " how's the mister he said pointing at the ring I too looked at the ring" I sighed "its complicated" Ryan understood I didn't want to talk about it and he didn't ask anything else for which I was glad.

"I didn't expect to see you" "Well I got promoted and since my boss couldn't attend, he sent his best man as a representative" I laughed same old Ryan. "Congratulations on your promotion" "Thanks..... Well..." he scratched the back of his neck and his cheeks were tainted pink "there's one more thing you can congratulate me for" I narrowed my eyes "What ?" "Beth has moved in with me" I was shocked 'The Ryan' was in a serious relationship I had my mouth open in shock "I think you should close your mouth" I quickly closed my mouth I can't believe it "The ryan..." "Okay Okay enough" he was blushing, actually blushing I couldn't stop laughing. "Im happy for you" "thanks" "you should have bought her along" I wanted too but her sister is in labor so she's in the hospital with her. We spoke about random things for a while.

"How's Tom." He sighed "he took it pretty hard, immersed himself in alcohol used to be late at work used to come in hungover. He was going to get fired but I asked boss to give him one more month and sat him down and drilled some sense into him. I stayed with him for a while, then he immersed himself in work, and was overworking himself, anyway It landed him a promotion. He keeps travelling a lot, which is good being out of this place has done him good."

I kept staring at the floor, I had caused him so much pain Ryan put his arm around my shoulder "it's not your fault" I nodded. He held his hand out in front of me "Dance?"
I looked at his hand then his face with his raised eyebrows and signature smirk I put my hand in his and he led me to the dance floor.

He put his hand on my waist and I put mine on his shoulder and we swayed to the music, he had me in splits as always. After a while someone tapped Ryan on his shoulder, Ryan turned to see Ethan "May I dance with my wife" his tone was stern. Ryan raised his hands in surrender "sure" and left. Ethan literally pulled me into him, and put his hands around my waist and I put my arms on his shoulders. I looked at him he had a frown...  was he annoyed he was still looking at someone behind me. I turned to look but he pulled me in closer. I looked into his eyes his frown softened, we were so close, his breath was fanning my face his hands were burning into my waist. He too was looking at me and there was that look from earlier that evening. I don't know if I was dreaming but I felt him lean in.

Suddenly the music stopped and the lights brightened. And we broke apart, Mr Cooper requested all of us to take their seats.

After the event Ryan met me just as we were waiting for the car and then left.

The air in the car was tense, Ethan looked annoyed, he was frowning, his jaw slightly clenched and his grip on the steering wheel was tight. Maybe some business related stress.

After getting home I checked on Emily and let the nanny leave, I went to our room, Ethan was removing his jacket. "You shouldn't have done that". I looked at him shocked Was he talking to me he was really angry. "What??" I asked confused.

He took a breath "You should not have danced with that man." "Who? Ryan?" I don't care what his name is you should not have danced With him" I still can't understand what he was so upset about "Why ??" I said confused. "Your my Wife" "so" "SO" he was losing his patience "So you don't dance with strange men" "I know him he is my..." He raised his hand to stop me "I don't care who he is to you You are not dancing with another man in public. I don't care what they were or are to you or what you do in private but in public you my wife so behave like that." I was fuming at this point "What do you mean do whatever in private Im not that kind of a women, and in case you have forgotten" I pointed to my ring finger "this is an arrangement, and you are not really my husband and you cant talk to me like that And I will dance with anybody I want." I went to the washroom to change and slammed to door how dare he speak to me like that.

After a relaxing shower I had calmed down a little. When I came out he was not in the room. Good for me. I went to bed.

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