Chapter 7

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I had just got off the phone with Tom, he's so busy he skips his meals too, which I don't like, when I'm around I make sure he has his meals. I come out of the room and saw Ethan's rooms door was ajar, I peeped to see if Emily was in and she was, she was wrapped in a towel after her bath and sitting on the bed, while Ethan was on a call as usual, I went in the room and tapped Ethan on his shoulder to get his attention "Can I get her ready?" He looked at Emily and she nodded "Okay." I dried her and put some clothes on and whisked her away.

I was reading to Emily, we were both sitting and Emily was leaning against me to see the pictures in the book. Mike, Alex and Nick came in. Mike looked at Emily and asked "Emily you like cookies," She nodded "You know who makes yummy cookies?" He said pointing towards me I hit his hand away "Why are you bringing her into this, just say you want me to make the cookies" Alex chipped in "actually you should, you're only sitting around the house gaining weight, be careful Tom might go running for the hills." all started laughing. I opened my mouth in shock I threw the paper weight at him. It hit his arm "Ouch" he was rubbing the spot he had been hit and Emily laughed. I looked at her "Emily want to make cookies" she nodded.

I set aside all the ingredients and made Emily stand on her high chair besides me. I allowed her to add some ingredients. After we had mixed the ingredients we flattened the cookies on the tray and I asked her to add chocolate chips she was pressing some into the cookie and helping herself with a few. Ethan came down stairs "dada" "Yes honey" "I make cookie" "Wow you're a big girl now." He said and ruffled her hair She clapped her hands. Once the cookies were baked I made her put them on a plate and offer everyone All praised her for her cookies and she was ecstatic. I looked at her interacting with Mike by now she had warmed up to almost all of us.

Tonight we were going out for dinner, we were all dressed up, so I went to check up on Emily. Emily was playing with her toys and Ethan was still in his sweats, nose deep in his work. I knocked on their door to get his attention. I looked up from his laptop "We have to leave" He sighed "do u mind if I dress her" "No please" I opened their closet and asked her which color dress she wanted to wear BLUE I touched one blue dress "this one" she nodded I took it off the hanger and started helping her into it. "Why blue? Is it your favorite colour?" "No" "Then "you blue" she pointed towards my dress "ohh twinning" she nodded. I whispered in her ear "Tell dada to get ready" "Dada" he sighed and got up.

I took Emily down. Ethan was coming down the stairs a little while later. I took this time to actually look at him He looked really good, His dark circles had gone away and I could see his brown eyes and he wore jeans, a blue T-shirt and a black jacket on top This is the first time I actually saw him without his glasses and messy hair, "Lets go" "Yeah" "where are the others?" "Hmm they were getting late so they left" "Ohh you too should have gone with them. "Emily wanted me to ride with her." He nodded but wasn't too happy about it.

I took Emily and tried to put her in the car seat. I couldn't strap her in properly. He opened the opposite door and got it done. I thanked him and got into the front seat and he drove off. I was getting a little awkward Emily had fallen asleep the moment the car moved, I have never been with Ethan in such an enclosed space. After what seemed like ages we reached the restaurant and went in.

We had a nice time at dinner Emily has become a part of this family and she was enjoying the attention she was getting, unfortunately it was going to last for one more day after which they leave.

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