Chapter 14

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I look at myself in the mirror I look hot if I must say. Today Tom had to attend one charity event his company has organized and Im his date for the event.

I have chosen a red gown it is simple and elegant with a slit which is thigh high.

I slid into my stilettoes just as I hear his car honk. I went down and into the car. He looked so handsome in a black tux. After a half an hour ride we reached the place and went in. There were so many people around I didn't really recognize anybody.

Tom held out his arm and I hooked mine in his. We met a few people and spoke about their next project. I really didn't understand this stuff and was getting bored. Soon I saw some of his colleagues and waved at them. They too smiled and waved back.

After Mr. Anderson had left I informed Tom that his friends were in that direction. We were about to go there when we hear a voice "Tom" We both turned. We saw a man in is fifties all salt and pepper hair If Im not mistaken this was his boss. "Mr. Green" "Ahh this is your beautiful fiancée" He held out his hand I put my hand in his and he kissed the back of my hand. I blushed a little. "So Tom you are really following my footsteps getting married second time around."

I eyes flew out of their sockets "What???" Tom and I said in unison. You don't know about his first wife he said seriously looking at me I shook my head. "Mr green what are you talking about." "He is married to his work you didn't know that." He laughed Tom and I let out a breath I got youll didn't I. he said with a wink. Another man in a tux called out to Mr Green. He turned towards us "Enjoy the party and excuse me."

We continued towards his friends. "He scared me for a moment He is always like that but I guess that makes working for him fun." I nodded.

We soon met his friends there was Ryan who was a playboy and always flirting with me. Then there was Sean and his wife Kim, Nick and Ada.

Sean and Kim have been married for years now but they still act like college kids always holding hands stealing glances at each other, kissing. It was like they were the only two people in the world.

Some couples were dancing and Ryan asked me to dance with him I looked at Tom he shook his head typical Ryan. Ryan and I were dancing to the soft music.

"So you changed your mind yet?" "About what?" I looked at him confused. "Marring Tom" I rolled my eyes "Ryan" "What I told you how much I love you" he fained innocence I punched him in the arm and He laughed. "How come you don't have a date tonight?" He stated sadly. "I thought you would have changed your mind" "Ryan" I glared at him. he held his hands upin surrender "K sorry I didn't come with a date but I'll leave with one" he said looking at a girl. I turned she looked beautiful with blue dress that complemented her blue eyes.

We were now sitting at the table and Tom Ryan, sean and nick had gone to get some drinks, so I and Kim were alone at the table. "So how long have you and sean been married" "five years now." "Wow!!! How did youll meet?" "we met in college and are together ever since. When I saw him for the first time I knew that he is the one." She had those dreamy eyes as if thinking of that day. "How did you know you love him." She shrugged "you just know. You want to share your every thought with that person, be with the person all day and you are truly happy in their presence." We were cut off as the guys came back and soon dinner was served.

On the way back I could not stop thinking of what Kim had to say, the love she described and the one we had we so different and I kept going back to one question.

Did I really Love Tom?

Authors Note

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What do you feel? Does Belle Love Tom? Should she take the plunge or wait for something better?

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