Chapter 43

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I woke up squinting my eyes to the sun's rays seeping through the curtains. I look at Ethan, everything from yesterday comes flashing back, heat creeps up my cheeks.

I untangle myself from his arms and legs without waking him up and make my way to the bathroom, I took a shower and got ready, Ethan was still asleep I kissed him on his forehead and went down for breakfast.

I was feeding Emily, when I saw Ethan come down the stairs, his jaw was clenched, he didn't look happy. Was something wrong? was he upset because of what happened last night?

NO NO... it can't be it he initiated things, maybe something at work. "Belle, something urgent has come up we need to leave. Get ready. We will leave in three hours."

Something was different about him, like something changed. I have a bad feeling about this.

It was evening by the time we reached home. I was too tired to cook, so I ordered us some pizza. Ethan directly went to his office.

I went to call Ethan for dinner but he refused, he looked so stressed his hair all disheveled, a result of running his hands through his hair way too many times.

Emily and I had our Pizza and I put Emily to bed.

I decided to check up on Ethan before I go to bed.

His office door was ajar I peeped in. His head was resting on the chair facing the ceiling, his eyes closed. I took this opportunity to enter in, I tiptoed behind his chair and put my hands in his hair to massage it.

The moment my hands touched his hair he sprung from his seat "What the fuck are you doing?" I was shocked at this reaction to say the least, he was fuming. "You seemed stressed so I was massaging your head."

"I don't want you to touch me." he was seething in anger. What? Why? I don't understand "But Ethan" "DO. NOT .TOUCH. ME." He was so angry I can't understand.

I took a step towards him "Ethan, baby what's wrong why are you so angry, is something troubling you? Did something happen?

He took a step back and clenched his jaw "Yesterday was a mistake. A big fucking mistake." He said pulling his hair in anger

I felt like the world stopped for a moment "What are you saying, yesterday we..." He held up his hand to stop me "I was drunk yesterday, I wasn't thinking straight, the wedding, everything reminded me of venessa," He turned his face away from mine. It was like my heart was being ripped "Yesterday I didn't realize it was you I...I thought it was Vanessa." He continued to say something, but I couldn't hear anything. It felt like a sword pierced my heart. Soon he left and banged the door, the sound brought me back, my feet gave way and I sat on the floor, tears rolling down my cheeks.

Ethans POV

I drive aimlessly I don't know where I am. I apply the brakes and the car comes to a sudden halt.

My mind goes back to today morning.

I wake up to the sound of a notification on my phone. I open my eyes I look around last night's events flashed back. I smiled. I picked up my phone check the notification on my phone.

All the blood drains from my face.



I will always love and respect you, you are the only woman I'll ever hold, touch, kiss from this day forward. I say looking into the most beautiful pair of blue eyes. She smiles "With this I wed thee."

We kissed.

How could I do this to Vanessa? I broke my promise, I had promised her I will never give anyone her place. How could I do that with belle? It's so wrong. It's all my fault. I thought Belle and I could be friends, but I was wrong. I had one too many drinks yesterday and she looked beautiful, NO, NO It was not because of her. I pull my hair in frustration.

Yes I was craving sex... It's been so long. It's just that... It was all just physical. It was just physical

I have to stop this; I have to break all ties will Belle.

But Emily she is so good for Emily. Right from now on she will just be Emily's mother that's it!!! not my wife, not my friend not anything.

She is 'NOBODY' to me.

WOW!!!! what a turn of events!!!

Poor Belle.....

Do you think Ethan is over reacting ?

What should Belle do now?

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