Chapter 27

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He blinked a couple of times, probably to check if he was dreaming. OKKaayy. "Im doing this for Emily" I quickly added He nodded in understanding. "But.....Hmm. We will be like a married couple only for the world and Emily." I nodded. "Have you told your parents" "No He nodded, "Ill get a contract ready, this deal will be just between us, even our parents should not know about this." I nodded "Do you want a wedding like...""NO A court one will be fine." "Okay ill fix up a date and I'll call you" I nodded.

An hour later, we were in Ethan's car on the way to tell Emily, both lost in our own thoughts, I had made my decision but was still not sure am I doing the right thing or am I ruining my life. I loved Emily but.. "Belle" I looked at Ethan "we are here" I looked out and we had reached his penthouse. I nodded and exited from the car.

We made it to the penthouse Emily was in her room, coloring. He told the nanny to excuse us. We both sat on the mat beside her, she was so engrossed in colouring she didn't notice us. "Em" she looked up "You remember you said you want Belle as your mommy?" She looked at me with her big brown eyes then turned to Ethan and nodded. "She will become your momma". Her eyes grew wide as saucers and she squealed and jumped on Ethan and hugged him. Then she came to me and looked at me "momma' she tested the word I nodded and she hugged me. I hugged her back and kissed the top of her head. I looked at Ethan, he was already staring at me and in that moment all our doubts vanished as we knew that it was the right decision.

That night I told Mike and my parents about the marriage, and it was like hell broke lose my parents were yelling at me. Mike didn't say anything but I knew he was annoyed. After hours of arguing they gave up and said I could do whatever I wanted but they were not happy.

I finally went to my room it had been such a long day, I heard a knock on my door, I turned to find Mike "We will talk about this tomorrow" he said and left. I sighed tomorrow is going to be long day as well.

I just left from school and was on the way to meet Mike at his favorite Pizzeria for 'the talk'. I entered and looked around. He was already there at the far end and was ordering. I went and sat on the opposite chair.

I was thirsty so I took a sip of the coke he was having and he didn't say anything, he is really upset. "Why are you doing this?" "Im thirsty." He gave me a hard look I raised my hands up in surrender "okay okay" I sighed "I'm doing this for Emily." "How did this even start" last week Ethan's mom had invited me dinner to Ethan place and she asked me consider? I really feel Emily needs a mother." 

He let out a breath "I agree with all of that, but what about you, What about your needs? Don't you deserve a person who will love you, take care of you, grow old with you. Will Ethan give you all of that."

"He loved his wife and he still does, will he be able to give you that place."

"He will with time" I didn't know what else to say I know Mike was looking out for me, but I had made my decision. He shook his head. He looked at me once more after a few minutes he said "to be honest I don't know if I will ever warm up to this idea, but I'm always there for you." I smiled and put my hand over his and squeezed it that's all I wanted "Thanks"

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