Chapter 48

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It's the weekend and I'm in the supermarket shopping for groceries. I like coming to the supermarket, looking at the kids, reminds me of Emily. I was halfway through my list, when I left a toddler wrap her hands around my legs and squeal mummy, I shake my head, she must have mistaken me for her mother.

I turn round and bend to her height, and Im shocked, standing in front of me is Emily in a blue sundress with a denim jacket on top. "Emily" "Mama" I hug her and kiss her hair, I blink my eyes quickly to prevent the tears from falling "I missed you so much" "I miss mama, how did you come here?" She looked behind. I too looked to find Ethan standing, I was so focused on Emily that I didn't see Ethan standing, I stood back up and looked at him, Is it possible that he looks more handsome. He was dressed in a T shirt and jeans with a jacket on top.

"Hi" he said and smiled I too smiled "Hi", Mama Emily was trying to get my attention, I carried her and she started talking so quickly that she started coughing. I rubbed her back while Ethan gave her some water. "Emily Mama has shopping after that we will talk" she looked at me with her big puppy eyes I nodded.

Well she wasn't ready to leave me so I was reading the items in the list and Ethan was fetching them and trolleying the cart.

After shopping, we went to have some pastries at the Cafe nearby, Emily had been talking non-stop of her friends at school, swimming lessons, new games and so much more, to be honest I didn't understand many things as she was talking so fast, but I kept nodding from time to time.

Ethan was constantly staring at me, whenever I would look at him, he would avert his eyes.

After the café, we went to a park, Emily had befriended a boy who was pushing her on the swing. Ethan and I were sitting on a bench watching Emily.

"How are you?" "good, Ive taken up a job" "Nice" "How have you been" "Fine, I make more time for Emily now", "I know...she tells me everything when I call her." "Hmm So you are still keeping tabs on me." We both laugh.

"Come back Belle, we miss you." He sounded desperate. "Ethan I can't" "why? Emily needs you and I need you Belle I want you. My... my guilt got the better of me, I was scared, I was scared I would lose you too and it happened I lost you. I pushed you away.

That's what Ethan you had everything and you let it go.

"Mama", I quickly wiped away the tear slipped, Emily ran and jumped on my lap.

It had started getting a little dark, "Emily come let's go home, "NO" She pouted warping her hands tightly around my torso. "I go mama." He sighed "Emily you met mama now we have to go home." She shook her head and started tearing up.

I looked at Ethan, you'll can stay for the night, he raised his eyebrows "are you sure?" I nodded.

We drove to my apartment, and I cooked Emily's favorite pasta, we all cooked together and had dinner.

We were all set to go to bed, Emily and I on my bed and Ethan on the couch.

Emily was on the bed with me by her side, and my palm on her tummy. I started with a bedtime story. Emily turned to Ethan who was leaning against the frame of the door, "Dada" and made a calling action using her hands. He came and lay on the bed and put his palm over mine on Emily, I tried to remove my hand, but he held it in place. I narrowed my eyes at him and he simply smiled, anyway I started with my story.

By the end of it Emily and Ethan both had fallen asleep. I wanted to wake Ethan up to move to the couch, but he was looking too peaceful, so I just let it be and went to sleep.

Ethan's POV

I woke up to the most beautiful sight, Belle and Emily sleeping in each other's arms, I just moved Belles hair away from her face and behind her ear.

And like always as nothing good lasts, I heard a familiar voice of a man, whom I was not fond off coming from behind.

"What the hell?"

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