Chapter 11

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I was driving back home, today was the first day after the break, I just wanted to have a long shower and relax.

When I got home Mike was getting ready to go out. "Mike" he turned towards me. "Where are you going?" "E s house had to discuss the upcoming project." "Who is E?" "Ethan" I eyes lit up "can I also Come I could spend some time with Emily." He shrugged and smiled "Sure" I actually squealed in joy "he said I could bring my assistant, since I don't have one you could come as mine" I threw a cushion from the nearby couch towards him. He ducked and it almost dropped a vase Pheww "Just text Ethan in any case so that he knows."

After 30 minutes we were on our way to Ethan's place. "Did Ethan reply to your text" he shook his head. We were soon at the apartment building it was a very nice area.

We went in the lift and mike pressed the button to the topmost floor the penthouse. Soon we reached the floor and rang the bell. Soon the door opened and my jaw dropped at the sight. Ethan was shirtless with just his joggers WOW he definitely hit the gym regularly. His face though had another story to tell. He hair was ruffled and he had his nerdy glasses on and he looked stressed.

"Everything Okay" "No actually Emily is not too well" he turned and led us in. Im quite sure he hadn't seen me yet "I actually was going to text you to reschedule." I peeked I could only see Emily's back. "No problem we will leave I can leave this file so you can take a look." Ethan turned and he saw me he was surprised, he thought it was only Mike all along. "What happened to Emily?" "she has a slight fever the doctor gave a medicine but she gets really cranky and she's not eating." "Can I suggest something I can take care of her and you two can have your meeting." You could tell by his look that Ethan definitely did not like this idea No she prefers me when she is sick

"Elle." I hear Emily's faint voice "HI" I weaved through Mike and Ethan and made my way towards Emily. I touched her tear stained cheek I could feel it warm" I want to play with Elle" Ethan argued "sweetheart you need rest" she shook her head and was about to cry He sighed giving up "will you play with belle till dada works" she nodded "K fine".

He told mike and me to follow him into his office. He let us in and went to his room to grab a shirt Emily had puked on the previous one.

I looked around the office. Ethan came back pulling down his T shirt. Belle please try and get Emily to eat she has barely eaten since morning and then she has to take her medicine and anything please come into the office Okay. I nodded

I left the office he was really on edge, I can understand; she means a lot. I came to the dining room and was overwhelmed

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