Chapter 10

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Two days later we flew back to san Francisco. Tom was there to pick us up. I missed him, after the first few days we barely talked or texted for that matter because of his crazy work schedule. After he drove up home, he accompanied me to my room with my bags to "help me to unpack" if you know what I mean.

As I entered my room the bed looked so inviting I flung myself on the bed and Tom sat at the end of the bed and rubbed soothing circles over my back. "So how was it" "It was so goooood I had the time of my life", he frowned "Really even with the guests around" "That was the best part aunts friend had come with her son and granddaughter Emily she was so cute and I really bonded with her. See" I removed my phone from my back pocket and showed him photographs of Emily and me. He saw the pictures "you both seemed to enjoy each other company." "Where are they from?" "San Francisco itself Ohh maybe I too could meet the cutie" "What about her mother?" "She passed away in a car accident Sad I know such a sweet angel has to go through so much."

You know most probably by next her we too may have an Emily in the making. I blushed He leaned towards me and kissed me. It soon turned heated and he pulled me on his lap so that I was straddling him. He squeezed my ass and I moaned into the kiss. I could feel him getting hard under me . Soon his hands were in my pants at all the right places, after a few minutes I came we were both panting. I missed you he said pecking me I missed you too after our little encounter we went down for dinner.

We had just ordered some pizza nobody was in the mood to whip up anything. After dinner we went to my room. Tom undressed leaving only his boxers on and Me in an oversized t-Shirt and underwear.

I was woken up by the rays of the sun that managed to make their way through the small gap in the drapes, I looked at Tom he was still sleeping. He looked so beautiful. I had really missed his touch, but I wanted more, it was just physical I didn't feel any connection. Did he feel the same? Aren't we supposed to feel a connection. So many questions but no answers. I could feel some movement and turned towards Tom, He was stretching he looked at me and smiled. I returned the smile. He looked behind me at the clock and his eyes grew wide and he bolted off the bed into the bathroom. Got ready and skipped off to work.

I decided to meet my friend Bree for coffee and get her opinion on this situation. "I told you not to get into this whole marriage thing, marriage doesn't work. Look at me I am happy. A new man every weekend. It works for me You too should loosen up I mean you have not even fuc*ed your fiancée" I rolled my eyes that's the advice she gave me after I told her everything I've come to the wrong person. The rest of the time we spoke about our jobs and her many flavors of the weeks.

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