Chapter 36

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Ethan's POV

I enter our room two hours after our argument, I slowly come in and check that she's asleep I let out a breath, I didn't realize I'm holding, I sit up on my side of the bed and look at her, she had her back turned towards me.

What's wrong with me I've never reacted like this before?

Today evening when I saw her in that gown I couldn't take my eyes of her. It was just a simple gold one shoulder, the gown defined her 'Simple and elegant' and her brown hair falling over her shoulders in loose waves, her long dangling earrings that rested on her shoulders. Her plump lips and her eyes I could drown in them. She looked so beautiful, I know I was staring and that I should stop, but I just couldn't stop staring. Ahhchuu. We both looked at Emily and laughed.

Even at the party I could see men staring at her, I can't understand how she was so oblivious to the men ogling her. I kept my hand around her waist to show them that she was taken. Just like the time on our vacation.

It was our second day in Hawaii. I was playing with Emily in the water and Belle was sun bathing she had removed her white cover to reveal her blue bikini. She had a nice body with the right curves.

I was busy playing with Emily and when I heard laughter I looked up to see it was coming from Belle. She was sitting up and conversing with a guy who was sitting on the opposite chair. He was saying something that made her laugh. Well more than talking to her he was staring at her breasts. I quickly took Emily and went to them and I sat right next to belle and put my arm around her waist and introduced myself as her husband. That was enough to set him running in the opposite direction. Belle probably thought I was crazy, but I knew better.


I let out frustrated breath. Belle turned towards me still asleep. I love how she scrunches her nose at times. I smile.

At the party we were standing and I could tell she was getting bored I was just going to ask her to dance but Mr Cooper interrupted.

Mr Cooper wanted to talk in private so I left belle and Followed Mr. Cooper to a secluded corner. I kept looking at her now and then, I smiled she was really bored sipping her champagne and looking around. "Are you listening?" I nodded.

Mr Cooper was concerned about our impending deal. I was assuring him that everything was under control.

Finally, Mr Cooper had calmed down, I suddenly felt a pat on my back I turned to look at Adam. Heir to the Heck Industry, my rival and a playboy. He had a smirk on his face he pointed towards the dance floor, "Isnt that your wife?", I frowned and looked towards the dancefloor to see Belle dancing with a man, she was laughing to something he said I clenched my jaw his hand was on her waist as they danced to the music. Adam put his arm around my shoulder. He whispered in my ear "If she was my wife I'd keep her close before somebody could steal her away." My jaw clenched, I immediately walked up to belle and tapped the man on his shoulder, "May I dance with my wife?" he raised his hands in surrender and walked away. I pulled belle into my arms, but my eyes were on the man behind her Adam, he was smirking amused by the show, Belle probably notices and was about to turn and look, but before she could do that I pulled her even closer and looked into her eyes.

The moment I looked into her eyes all my anger melted away, she seems confused, but soon, she realized how close we were, her cheeks turned red, I love how she became all red just like on our vacation. I smiled

It's like all the others had drowned out, like it was just the two of us, she was so innocent, smart and a beautiful soul all at once. She was like an angel in our life. My eyes drop from hers to her lips, they were plump and slightly parted. I wanted more. I leaned in ...

I shook my head thank goodness Mr. Cooper interrupted us, from the stage.

I don't know what's wrong with me, Why am I feeling this way. Im I falling for .... NO NO NO that's not happening. I love Nessa.

Maybe It's just a physical thing, Belle is attractive, no doubt in that, she has a good body, I haven't been with a woman in two years. Right that is it!!!

Nothing more Maybe I should stay away from her, but I can't Mike has already warned me "Belle is to me what Emily is to you" few words, but he hit the nail on its head... With those thoughts in mind I went to bed.

Hey Guys!!!!

Merry Christmas!!!!

Hope u all are enjoying the holiday season....

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