Chapter 19

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It's ten weeks to the wedding, Tom and I are going out for a weekend along with his colleagues, Ryan with his girlfriend Beth, Sean and Kim, Ada.

Ada has a house a few miles from LA in Solvang. It's a beautiful Danish town. We left on Friday evening and reached at around midnight.

It was a beautiful cottage with 5 rooms. It was painted in white, the interiors were cozy and rustic surrounding it was a beautiful garden.

It was Saturday morning, Ada, Beth and I were making breakfast. Ryan came in form his morning jog. "Morning people" "morning". He sat at the table and put a piece of bacon in his mouth. "Hmm this is good". He went to take another piece and I swatted his hand away "I think you should shower first". He groaned "k MOM." He went and I rolled my eyes.

After breakfast we went around the city. It was so beautiful, we actually felt like we were in a European country. There were lot of Danish bakery's around. We went into the shop and ate and bought some cookies and macrons. I also picked a box for Emily she would love them. Sean, Kim, Ryan and Beth were walking ahead of us all holding their respective partner's hands. I guess Tom and I were never that way.

We came home and after lunch we very sitting in the garden and chatting, we even played some games. It was fun.

After a barbeque dinner thanks to Sean and Ryan we all retired to out rooms. I just came out of the shower.

I rolled my eyes "Don't tell me your checking your mails". He threw the phone on the bed and held his hands up in surrender.

I sat alongside him on the bed.

"Can you believe in 10 weeks we will be married?" "Yeah I know" " sometimes I feel like I just about met you. Time does fly."

Tom looked at me with remorse "Im sorry" "for what?" "All these wedding preparations... I should have been with you but You are doing everything alone." I shrugged "Its K I know you have work." "But I have decided, after marriage I'm going to balance my time efficiently. After I come home no work calls, nothing." I smiled. "and once in every two weeks, we will go out for dinner or something. It will be a nice change to our routine. What do you say ?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Yeah" This was getting too much, all these talks, I started feeling suffocated. "I think we should have kids immediately" My eyes literally fell out of the sockets "NO I think we should wait for at least a year" "really" I nodded, he pouted "Seeing you with Emily I thought you want kids right away". I smiled thinking of Emily "Emily is different, when I saw her I just wanted to be with her, comfort her, give her all the love a child needs. I feel the need to protect her."

There was no response from Tom, I looked over and he had already fallen asleep. Thank god before he could discuss any further about our marriage. I got off the bed and went in the balcony to get some fresh air.

Tom was not wrong in bringing this conversation, but I'm not ready for this, I have to figure things out, all these new found feelings and emotions........ before it's too late.

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