Chapter 42

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I just tucked Emily in. It was a long day, I make my way to our room. It was a beautiful ceremony but very tiring. I just wanted to sleep. I get in the walk in closet and remove my jewelry. I undo my hair. I try to unzip my dress but it seems to be stuck. I try for 5 minutes but give up I'll have to go to Janice. I suddenly hear some noise. I peep out to see Ethan keeping his watch on the dresser. May be he will help me.

"Ethan" hmm "my Zip seems to be stuck", He nodded telling me to come out. I came out and stood in front of the dresser with my back to him, he put my hair to one side, and got to work on the zipper.

He was able to undo it, I held my dress in the front so it doesn't land up on the floor. As he undid the zip he ran his finger along my spine, a shiver ran down my spine, and heat started creeping up my neck and cheeks, I looked into the mirror, He was looking at me through it. His eyes held a different emotion, one I've never seen before, one of desire. My heart started pounding in my chest. He started pulling the dress apart and I left it letting it pool near my legs. I was left in my bra, underwear and stilettoes.

He kissed my neck moving towards my jaw, I moved my head to give him more access. I turned, we looked at each other and soon his lips were on mine, our lips moved in sync like they had a rhythm of their own, he then slipped his tongue into my mouth, fighting for dominance with mine. I was out of breath and broke the kiss. I rested my forehead against his.

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He again started leaving a trail of kisses along my jaw, my neck, my collar bone he moved lower one of his hands reached back and undid my bra, it fell to the floor. He made me lie on the bed and got rid of his jacket and shirt, while looking at me with dark eyes.

He hovers over me capturing my lips, then went to my breasts, he took one nipple into his mouth, his hand caressing the other breast, his mouth later moved to the other breast, and hand moved lower to remove my last piece of clothing. I could feel him near my thigh, his finger entered me and I let out a moan. Soon he added in more fingers, I managed to get rid of his trousers and boxers and took him in my hand and started stroking him. I was about the come when he removed his fingers, I was going to protest when I saw him aligning himself at my entrance.

In one move he entered, I felt a sharp pain he stayed motionless for a while, trailing kisses over my face, after which he started at a slow pace which increased after some time, our bodies were an entangled, moaning mess and we came together.

He collapsed on top of me, after he caught his breath and rolled over, I moved so as to sleep on his arm he looked at me and kissed my forehead and we fell into deep slumber. The best sleep I had in a long time.

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