Chapter 17

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I was tracking my uber when, suddenly I heard someone calling my name. I looked up to see Ethan's car pulling over, I went by the window. "Are you waiting for someone?" "My uber actually I have to go near crooked street." "Ill drop you off" "No its fine My uber is almost here." "We will anyway be passing by that street so ill drop you" "K" I sat in the car Emily giggled. I and Emily were talking for some time after which she fell asleep.

I was looking out of the window "So all set for the wedding" I was surprised Ethan started talking to me "Yes almost." I went back to looking outside the window. After sometime I looked at Ethan "Can I ask you something" he Hummed for me to continue "When you were getting married did you ever second guess your decision?" "Too be honest I never wanted to get married" he chuckled "Spending your entire life with one person was just too much, but after I met Vanessa and after I spent some time with her, all I wanted to do was get married to her." He had that dreamy look like he was transported to that time "After I proposed and she accepted I wanted to marry her the next day itself." He smiled and "There was some nervous energy before the wedding, but that's normal I guess but I never doubted my decision."

"What about Vanessa, was she nervous." "No I actually asked her a few days before the wedding if she was nervous. You know what she said." I shook my head "She said she was not nervous at all as she was very sure of her decision, and she knew she will be a good wife and if I were to mess up anytime she would kick my ass." He laughed I too joined him. I had never seen him laugh before, he looked so nice when he laughs. After some time, we went back to being silent

I nodded taking everything he just said in "You are getting cold feet" he looked at me "I guess Im just confused." I waved it off "Maybe you should talk to .... Tom is it." Hmm.

After some time, he spoke up again, "the day after tomorrow is Emily's birthday" :Yes she told me" I looked behind to check if Emily was still asleep. "Don't worry I told her I won't be able to come." "Actually I think you should come." He said thoughtfully. My head snapped towards Ethan is he serious? "Are you Sure" "Yes you have not met her for months together but she still remembers you, so maybe you can meet her once in a while. If you come for the party She will be very happy." "I'll definitely be there."

I was so excited that I could go for Emily's birthday I only made up an excuse because Ethan wouldn't like my presence.

Soon we reached the street and I told Ethan to stop by the side walk, I was about to get out of the car when I suddenly remembered about the cookies. I opened my bag and gave Ethan the box of cookies He thanked me and I thanked him in return for dropping me off. I stood by till the car drove away. 

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